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Arion Salazar Quotes

Music is the only thing that I really, really believe in.
If you ask me it's just three words that sound cool together. (on what the band's name means)
I don't think it's a master plan. that just happens because we're all sarcastic folks...especially Stephan.
Are fans are some of the grooviest cats. And craziest.
I think the album takes you to a place you might be wary of entering but are curious about.
There's nothing more awful than a band bogged down in self depression.
I don't get depressed often.I work really hard at being happy. Listening to and playing music is a major force in keeping me happy every day.
I've seen the kids from Road rules or the Real World or whatever sitting around the dinner table on their last night together and How's it going to be comes on and somebody's got a little tear in their eye. Cheese, man. It's ridiculous.
I'm really into the power of music and it being universal. Without sounding too cheesy or without sounding too cliched, it's a really beautiful feeling to go and play for somebody that you know probably doesn't understand your lyrics or all of what you're saying, but can somehow pick up on the vibe of what the song is saying.
For me the audience is important in keeping it fresh because we're out there playing the same songs night after night.

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