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K-24 Korea Peace Corps Volunteer Website

This site is by and for members of the K-24 Korea, Peace Corp group. The group was in country from July 1972 to July 1974. Members worked in the Korean tuberculosis control program. We would like to hear from other groups and, of course, the Korean and American staff.

The photo above includes K-24s and staff. Probably in Suwon, about 1972.

(3 jul 03) The photo above was taken in May 01 at the wedding of Karl's daughter Jackie at West Point, NY. They are: Williams, Oresick, Zebrowski, Ullrich and Dean. It was a great party. Things have changed since then. Your editor is back again with a new address. --- Please send in your news.

Russ Dynes is having a Party! March 1, 2011

RE; RPCV 50th Anniversary Global House Party/Pot Luck Hey guys. You're invited! Anyone that's in the Baltimore, Delaware, Philly area, I'm having a RPCV 50th Anniversary Global House Party/Pot Luck on Tuesday, March 1 at my house in Newark, Delaware from 4:30 to 7:30. Partners, spouses, kids are invited too. Russ Dynes Address: 104 Capitol Place Newark, DE 19711 (302) 368-7520

"There is no government like no government". King Sejong Well, the work of a self appointed K24 historian is never done. New information comes in all the time, and already the Update needs an update. Suppose this electronic newsletter will have to do. Those without email access - well what can I say? After all, this is the 21st century, and there were no Amish in our group. A couple of years ago I experienced what the writer Richard Rodriguez calls "a hunger of memory" (read his book by that title if you can find it). I really wanted to talk to the two guys closest to me in K24 - Ulrich and Trinrud. Then it occurred to me "why not talk to all of them?" Hence the modest little update. It gives me great satisfaction to know that now many guys are back in touch. Others, such as John MacGreggor (much more capable than yours truly) are even talking about an anthology. The project has also richly paid off for me because of the fantastic email traffic generated from such guys as MacGreggor, Mandel, Ashkenazy, Williams, and especially Eric Dean, just to name a few (apologies to those not mentioned - every mail is valuable to me - my storage space is rapidly filling up). Due to my sloppy records and poor personal habits, some have not yet received the Update - I'm going to the P.O. this week - you will get your copy, and some might get a duplicate. What the hell, I'm not perfect. ---- Ralph Echols

"The Man", Ralph Echols Teachers, Kim Jong Chan and Im Dong Ock

K-24 Members

Gary Ashkenazy, Glenn L. Bechler, Anton Bodor, Michael V. Brady, Bruce Burnam, Michael D. Capistran, Eric Thomas Dean, Russ Dynes, Ralph K. Echols, Howard Goldberg, Jim Haynes, James F. Kerr, Philip Heins Lamson, John Macgregor, Stephen Mandel, John Marggraf, Timothy McCarthy, Thomas Brent Moore, Larry Oresick, Bob Peterson, Donald Rogers, Jon Thomas Runyon, Tom Rolleri, James D. Severe, David Shipe, Richard Allen Spahr, Lawrence Stevens, Wesley Stone, Robert Tershak, Richard Trinrud, Karl James Ulrich, Jonathan P. Williams, Stanley Wolf, William Wresch, Francis Charles Zebrowski,

K-24 Staff

Dr. Song Dal Ho, George M. Cauthen, Don Kumler, Jakob Efsen, Mike Erickson, Mark Pyeatt, Rich Stevenson, Im Sang Bin, Bill Wells, Chang Yon Hong, Gary Hedrick, Hwang Yeon Kwon, Jun Young Goo, Kim Bun Sung, Kim Jong Chan, Kim Hye Ja, Chon Myung Eun, Shin Ehen Hye, Choi Myung Hee, Im Dong Ock, Hodges Lee Martin, Kim Jang Chun.

Updates: Updates have moved to the photo pages.

Email or send material to L. Oresick, 1305 Woodhill Dr., Gibsonia, Pa 15044. email: (3 June 2007)


Jim Severe's Photos
Stephen Mandel's Photos
Russ Dynes' Photos
Ralph Echol's Photos
Eric Dean's Photos
Jim Haynes' Photos
Jon Williams' Photos
Jon Williams 2