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Treasure Hunter
"Snakes, why'd it have to be snakes?"

In search of Fame and Fortune, the Treasure Hunter can always be found either digging in the old Egyption Tombs of Lost Pharohs for that fabled lost treasure or fleeing through the jungles of some foreign land from angry locals for distrubing the resting places of ancient gods and temples. Either way, for the Treasure Hunter there is always danger to be had of risking life and limb from booby traps, to facing ancient evils and rivals seeking the same treasure to be found.

Junctures: 1850, Contemporary


Body 5
Chi 0 (For = 5)
Mnd 6
Ref 6

Divide 4 points between primary attirbutes


Guns +4 (10)
Info/Archeaology +5 (11)
Info/Ancient Treasures +4 (10)
Info/History +4 (10)
Info/Local Customs +3 (9)
Info/your choice +3 (9)

Add 5 skill bonuses

Schticks: 1 gun schtick

Weapons: 3 weapons of appropriate juncture

Quick Schtick Pick:

Gun Schticks: Carnival of Carnage
Weapons: knife, whip, pistol

Wealth Level: Working Stiff, Rich for three days after a big find.

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