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Colonel H. Boyd McKeen

Henry Boyd McKeen


Born: About 1835 in Philadelphia, Pa.

Died: June 3, 1864 in Cold Harbor, Va.

Buried: The Woodlands Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa.




Residence: Philadelphia







Service: Staff


Enlisted: October 27, 1861 at Philadelphia Age: 26

Discharged: June 3, 1864 – Killed in action.

Rank: Lieutenant/Adjutant, Major – promoted June 1, 1862, Lt. Colonel –

Promoted July 1, 1862, Colonel – promoted November 24, 1862



Other: Wounded at The Battle of Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862.

Wounded in side at The Battle of Fredericksburg, December, 13, 1862.

Wounded at The Battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863.

Killed in action at The Battle of Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864.

Related to James Miller, Colonel, 81st Pa. Inf.

Commanded the 148th Pa. Inf. at The Battle of Gettysburg, July 2, 1863.

Took command of 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 2nd Corps at The Battle of Gettysburg,

July 2, 1863, when Col. Cross was killed.

Commanded the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 2nd Corps on and off in 1864.

Name is also listed as McKean.

Fort McKean in The Dakota Territory was named after him after the war.

This was later named Fort Abraham Lincoln.

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