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          Attitude is Everything
     As a wrestler, your attitude speaks volumes. 
It can effect the way your teammates, coaches, and possibly college recruiters relate to you. 
It can effect the way you view practice, drilling, conditioning, strength training, not to mention academics.
 While attitude 
adjustment is not a new concept, it is certainly one worth revisiting no matter how smart you think you may be. 
Consider the following situation.
     There once was a young boy who was on a college campus. 
As he walked through the athletic facilities, he came across the wrestling room. 
He peered through the door and saw a room full of sweaty wrestlers in combat. “Wow”! The boy thought, “This looks like fun.”
 The boy took a seat along the wall of the wrestling room near the drinking fountain. 
A wrestler came up to the fountain for a break, and the boy asked him, “Whatcha doing?” 
The wrestler replied, :Practicing.”
     A short time later another wrestler walked up for a drink of water, and the boy asked the second wrestler, “Watcha doing?”
 The second wrestler respomed, Getting tired, to much drilling!”
     A few minutes later, another wrestler, out of breath, dripping with sweat, exhausted hung his head 

in the fountain for a few minutes to cool off his head and face. The boy asked the third wrestler, 
“Watcha doing?” The wrestler stood up, wiped the water from his face, threw 
out his chest and said, “I’m preparing to win the national championship!”
     Which wrestler would you want as your teammate? The difference is attitude. 
Attitude is, essentially, the way you view a situation. 
Imagine that while your on a vacation you are taking a picture of a spectacular sunset over the ocean. 
But, on the right side of your viewing area, there is a garbage dump. 
Most likely, you will leave the dump out of the picture. It is still there, but you have chosen not to focus on it. 
Your attitude is like the picture; you have the power to choose what to include and what not to include. 
     An optimistic attitude is learning to push the garbage out of the picture and to see more sunsets.
 People will notice and respond more favorably to individuals who have mastered this trick.
 Of course, no one can be optimistic all the time. This is where the ability to rebound becomes crucial. A positive attitude can help you address the problems you are facing and take 
action to resolve them. 
Your attitude can help you overcome the negative effects of temporary setbacks.