If you're really bored and just wanna know senseless shit about me than read this! But if you don't care then don't read it!

1.What time is it? 11:50
2.What is your name? Amanda Lynn Baldwin
3.What is your birthday? December 19, 1985
4.How many sibs do you have? 1
5.What are your sibs names? Leslie
6.Do you have a job? yes
7.If yes, where? Pine Brook Retirement Center :-)
8.If no to #6, Where do you wanna work?
9.Do you have a car? yeah
10.What kinda car do you have/want? 95 Neon Highline

11.Movie: Cruel Intentions
12.Song: Staind Epiphany
13.Band: umm... probably Staind
14.Group: ??
15.Singer: Britney Spears!! woohooo hehe
16.TV Show: Boy Meets World
17.TV Channel: MTV
18.Actor: Ryan Phillippe n Josh Hartnett
19.Actress: Reese Witherspoon
20.Comic: ??
21.Magazine: Cosmo
22.Food: nething Italian
23.Snack: cookies lol
24.Drink: Sobe Lizz Blizz
25.CD-ROM Game: ??
26.Board Game: Scrabble!!!! Chad n Ash hehe
27.Card Game: Black Jack
28.Kid Game: hide n go seekk
29.Number: 19
31.Character: sponge bob!!
32.Disney Character: Aladdin, o baby!
33.Color: blue
34.Hair Color: red
35.Time of the day: night
36.Day of the week: Saturday
37.Week of the month: last
38.Month of the Year: July

39.Do you plan on having children: yea i guess
40.Do you want to get married: yep
41.How old do you wanna be when you have your first child: 25
42.How old do you wanna be when your married: 23
43.Would you have kids before marriage? maybe
44.What would you name the boy? Conner, Colin
45.What would you name the girl? Meredith, Cierra
46.Are you a virgin?: no
47.If yes, Do you plan on loosing your virginity ne time soon?:
48.Have you had oral sex?: yea
49.Have no, Have you been past base 1?:
50.Do you even know what the bases are?:
51.Do you have a b/f or g/f (who): ?!
52.Do you have a crush?: eh... sure

53.Music/TV: music!
54.Guys/Girls: guys
55.Green/Blue: blue
56.Pink/Purple: pink
57.Sleep/StayUp: stay up!
58.Summer/Winter: summer
59.Spring/Fall: spring
60.Night/Day: night
61.Hangin Out/Chillin: umm... chillin?
62.Friends/Lovers: friends first.. then lovers?
63.Cold/Warm: cold
64.Fast/Slow: slow
65.New/Old: new
66.Dark/Light: dark
67.Sparkle/Shine: sparkle
68.Peach/Plum: peach
69.Apple/Orange: orange
70.Laundry/Dishes: laundry
71..Christina/Britney: Britney!!!
72.Limp Bizkit/KoRn: Limp Bizkit
73.Rock/Rap: Rock
74.Pop/R&B: eh... both!

Where were you born? Reading, Pa
Where do you live now? Orwigsburg
Where do you wanna live now? near a beach
Who do you wanna live with? my sis
What was your most embarrasing moment? too many
Have you looked back and laughed about it since or
are you still traumitized? i laugh of course
What's one of your coolest moments? times at the beach :-)
What is (or are some) of the nicest things people have ever said to you? nice eyes.. n other stuff but i think its a load of shit! hehe
What was your uncoolest moment? too many... but probably gettin arrested
What's the most horrible thing somebody has said about you or to you? told me they wished they were never there for me, and that my dad doesnt love me
What's your fave color(s)? blue
Why? color of the sky and water (rain) well waters clear but u get the idea, i hope
What was the weirdest dream you ever had? at sum wedding and the Pope was drilling a hole w/ a jackhammer into the floor of the church
What was the best dream you ever had? cant say hehe
Do you have dreams or do you just sleep? apparently i have dreams
What is your fave book? The Notebook
Would you like to see it as a film if it hasn't been one already? yea
What is your fave radio station? 96.9
Do you love or hate Eminem? he's cool
Are you religious? not really
Have you ever kissed somebody? yea
Who? too many ppl
Were they a good kisser(s)? some of them yep!! hehe
Were you nervous? nope
Do you like fire? yep!
What's the worst kiss? when they slobber all over you n shove their tongue down ur throat lol or they havent shaved in like a year and it hurts like a bitch!
Do you like water? i love it!
Do you like the earth? yep
Do you like the wind? not really
Do you like it when it's sunny outside? yep
Do you like it when it's rainy outside? yea, my favorite time!
Fave necklace/bracelet/ankelete/ring/peircing metal thing? belly button ring
What accent do you find the sexiest? ?!
What is your horoscope sign? Sagittarius
Are your parents together or divorced? divorced
What do you want to be when you grow up/ what do you want to do later in your life job wise? not really sure... either marine biology to train dolphins, whales, etc... or psychology
What is your fave hockey team? don't watch hockey
Do you speak French? nope
Do you speak Spanish? a little
Do you speak Portuguese? no
Do you speak Chinese? no
Do you speak Japanese? no
What are your top 10 fave bands? Staind, Creed, Linkin Park, Puddle of Mudd, Keepsake, Hoobastank, Oleander, TapRoot, Incubus, Bush
What are your fave lyrics? i am nothing more than a lil gurl inside that cries out for attention yet i always seem to hide.. cuz it's always raining in my head
Why? cuz it describes me
What is your fave brand of shampoo/conditioner? Aussie or Herbal Essences
What do you think of dreadlocks? they're awesome
Who is your rolemodel? my sister
What do you think of Bob Marley's music? it rocks
Do you a feel an incredible urge to belt out the lyrics whenever you hear a song you know the lyrics to? of course
Do you turn up the volume? yep
Do you see the cup as being half full or half empty? half full
Are you happy right now? nope
What are some of your fave quotes? "Wanting him is hard to forget, loving him is hard to regret, losing him is hard to accept, but even with all the hurt I felt, letting go is the most painful yet" "Always follow your heart"
Do you hate anybody? hates a strong word.. but yea i guess
Have you ever said I love you and not mean it? nope... too many people throw that word around... n i HATE it
What was one of your fave vacations? the cape
What was so great? the beach!!
How many pillows do you sleep with? one
What color is your carpet? blue
What color is your room? blue
Do you have any pets? yep... Squeeks!!
If you could max a mega credit card, in 1 store, where? AE, Express, A&F
Do you like science or math? math
If you were invisible for a week, where would you go? hmm... lots of places
Do you wish you could read peoples minds? sumtimes yeah
Do you like orange juice? yep
Do you like V8? only the fruit kind
Do you like apple juice? yep
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done? pierced my nose by myself? but it was actually pretty cool
If you could go back in time and change 5 things, what would they be and why? nothing cuz then my life wouldn't be as interesting as it is!

Shout outs