offers free graphics for personal use.
Please do not use them on commercial pages.
A link back to this site would be appreciated.
At the bottom of this message you will find a small banner for this purpose.
Everything you see here is made by me with Paint Shop Pro 7.02 and a variety of plugin filters.
Note: I no longer maintain this website but I still make tags.
My newest tags you can find at Blogspot
Hope you enjoy.
Liefs, Karin

What can you expect to find here?
::: Backgrounds :::
Side-bordered backgrounds, triple stats, corner stats and background tiles.
::: Calling Cards :::
A variety of calling cards, allowed to be altered with your own text.
::: Christmas Pages :::
Cards, stats and tags for Christmas.
::: Ornament tubes :::
A variety of ornaments and dividers.
::: Corner Tubes :::
A variety of gold pre-filled corner tubes.
::: Sigtags :::
Some thank you tags for snagging.
::: More Sigtags :::
Some newer tags made by me you can find here.
::: Links :::
Some of my favourite links to share.
::: My Banners & Users :::
More banners to link and a list of users of my work.
::: Webrings :::
Webrings I belong to.
View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook
You can view my old guestbook here (entries until March 2003).
Background music: Watermark by Enya.
This site was created on June 25, 2000 and last updated in 2010.
It is dedicated to my beloved parents whom I owe and miss so much.
Best viewed with Internet Explorer 5 or higher.
This website has been optimized for 800X600 monitor resolution.
All content Đ 2000 - 2010 Karinīs Creations.
All other copyrights belong to their respective holders.
Click the button below if you want to vote for me.
Thanks so much!