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Peaceful's Lair

Even now, I suppose that few have heard of Ascension Conclave, tho' now our ranks have swelled to number of nearly fifty members, we remain quiet. Over the many years that the AC has existed, our family has pulled together to survive the trials and tribulations that have faced us. Living in our spacious keep called Stonehaven, we were held safe within its magickal walls to plan and form our newly born Forum, Crystal Realms.

The CR, unlike many forums about the realms, tries not to let its members become lost in the multitude. While large, and quickly growing, we have done our best to remain as a family. Making allies with other forums, we hope to make some sense out of the chaos that has become known as Rhydin. For those of us that so love our homes, we must put forth our best efforts to preserve what we love, or it shall soon die....

As I reminisce upon all this, and look back upon all that has passed, I wonder as well, what shall come in the future. As the millenia has graced me with the talent to walk in the light, I revel in the beauty of the rising dawn, safe with the sunlight on my face, as I reflect on how truly far I have come since that fateful Paris night.

With infusion's of Jag's blood entwined with mine own, I smile in the knowledge that our blood bond is only one step away. Closing my eyes against the warm sunlight, I can feel his prescence always in the back of my mind, even as I think, feel, breathe, smell the sweet scents of nature all about me...with some small pang of sadness for the things that have gone amiss, I say farewell to it all and turn my full attentions to the countless millenia ahead, knowing that I shall forevermore turn my face toward the sun, and leave the shadows on my back, without fear....

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