Amber's This site is cool cuz I said so award

A sample of Amber's Award

Hi. I was sitting. And I was thinking. I want awards for my site... but I don't have any yet... so I began to think. Geez. I feel sorry for EVERYONE that wants an award, and doesn't have one... so I've decided to make an award... hehe. It's very cute.

To apply, just send me an email (subject= award). In this email, please leave your URL, your email address, and talk about how cool my site is. Then you're good to go.

Don't you hate all those awards that have so many things you have to do before you can win? So do I, so here is your salvation. There is only one criterion for winning my award... and this is it: I must like the site... of course... there are a few things that will make me like the site.


Maggie's Water World of Fun
Emily's Whole New World
