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    I sit here this early morning, and write this welcome to you all. This site was originally created by a dear friend of mine. I had spoken to her about the restrictions that those in authority had placed on the likes of me. She had realized that those that don't settle with the norm, such as myself, are opposed in even the most trivial ways.

    Now, the Jade is the one that had created my site, and she too is not one to follow what is expected. We have chatted for hours about the way society is, and how we don't want to be a part of it. She is, however, into psychology. I don't know if she had realized that we are members of society. It is the restrictions that have been placed on me, and the protests that I had used that have made me a member of society. I have taken part in this whole game. Although I am not of your normal standards, I am an active player. When I speak, people respond. When spoken to, I react.

    If we all had the same job, then we could all be the same. Then, normal would not be a relative term. Normal would be a standard for living. But we do not all do the same things, and so there is no standard for normal. Normal is a reference point. That is all. It is in the opinion of the beholder what normal is. I was called egotistical by one of my instructors because I said, "I see myself as the only sane person in an insane world."

    There was a series of debates which followed this comment. No resolution was reached and the class ended as planned. I, hopefully, passed the class. Whether I passed, or not, that makes no difference. What is important is that this class was intended to develop my person. I never understood how I was to develop, if I am being stifled by the barriers of mental awareness that "authority" places on me. The Jade understood my obstacles. She had gone through them, also.

    Today, the Jade and I have lost touch. I pray to God that there is no bitterness between us. I also pray that she does not look at my changes as offensive to her. There is nothing greater than a friendship with someone that not only has to same interests, but the same understanding. You may think that I am speaking foolishly, but I do know people that are friends for the wrong reasons. They are friends for status, hobbies, coincidence, and force. People talk behind each other's back.

    The thing that has always made me laugh, is how everyone knows that two people hate each other. Strangely, the two take part in social activities, and intimate relationships with one another. I do not understand the ways of others. The only person I can understand, is myself. Sometimes I have trouble with that.

    This about wraps my intro to all ya'll. There are other essays and editorials that I will be posting. If you are interested in spirituality, check them out. Even if you aren't, it's still cool to read about it. Don't be against something that you don't know about. As of right now, it is below freezing, in this basement. My hands are numb, and I leave you to surf the net. Please stop by again, and sign my guest book. Join the others.

                                                                        Love in Christ,