Title - Kismet (2/3) Author - Jaimee Kidder Email - SpecialAgentDana@aol.com Rating - PG-13 (for violence) Classification - XRA Spoilers - Herrenvolk/Talitha Cumi, Fight the Future, Triangle, Two Fathers/One Son, Three of a Kind Keywords - Mulder/Scully romance Summary - Mulder and Scully investigate a seemingly meaningless murder in a small farming town in Alabama and suddenly find themselves caught in the middle of events that could lead to the end. Note: I had to change the dates around a bit, so it takes place in August, but the season 6 finale hasn't happened. Sorry, no psychic Mulder here. :-) ::whirrrrr:: "I made this!" Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. I wish I was Scully and owned Mulder, but such is not the case. If I did, this would be an episode -- or two, or five -- of the show, not some story that Chris Carter will prob'ly never read. :) The secondary characters are mine (so there!). But Mulder, Scully, and the rest are all CC's (hail to the man!), 1013's, and Fox's. Too bad for me. ;-) Title - Kismet Author - Jaimee Kidder Email - SpecialAgentDana@aol.com Rating - PG-13 (for violence) Classification - XRA Spoilers - Herrenvolk/Talitha Cumi, Fight the Future, Triangle, Two Fathers/One Son, Three of a Kind Keywords - Mulder/Scully romance Summary - Mulder and Scully investigate a seemingly meaningless murder in a small farming town in Alabama and suddenly find themselves caught in the middle of events that could lead to the end. ::whirrrrr:: "I made this!" Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. I wish I was Scully and owned Mulder, but such is not the case. If I did, this would be an episode -- or two, or five - - of the show, not some story that Chris Carter will prob'ly never read. :) The secondary characters are mine (so there!). But Mulder, Scully, and the rest are all CC's (hail to the man!), 1013's, and Fox's. Too bad for me. ;-) Oh yeah...and I borrowed Celine Dion's "Because You Loved Me"...so thank you, Celine, for singing such a lovely (and shippery) song! ========================= A.D. Skinner's office 7:36 p.m. ========================= The phone rang. Assistant Director Walter Skinner stared at it meditatively, wondering if the world as he knew it would end if he just smashed the idiotic thing to bits. Nah. He'd probably just wind up in a mental institution. The phone rang again. Mentally cursing Alexander Graham Bell, Skinner picked up the receiver. "Skinner." "Sir, it's Scully." As if that explained the purpose of the call. "What is it, Agent Scully?" "It's Agent Mulder." Skinner sat up straighter, picking up on a barely concealed panic that underlined Scully's quiet tone. She took a breath and went on. "We've been on this case --" "The murder...the one in Alabama." "That's right. Yesterday, we received a call from Assistant Director Kersh. He informed us that the case had been closed and that we should report back to the Bureau as soon as possible." "Go on," Skinner directed, wondering anxiously where this was heading. "Agent Mulder...strongly felt that the case had been mishandled, and that it was a cover-up for a greater purpose. I had begun to agree with him...in fact, that belief was strengthened by several attempts on both of our lives. "But somewhere between Alabama and here, something happened. To Agent Mulder. He's been talking strangely, and has nearly run off the road -- intentionally, I believe. He threatened me with bodily harm not an hour ago." Skinner stood up. "Where are you both now, Agent Scully?" "Roanoke...the Days Inn right off of Interstate 81. Exit 146. Please get here as soon as you can, sir. There's a lake about a mile away...he keeps talking about it...saying he want to drive straight to hell." Skinner's breath caught. "Where is Agent Mulder?" "Taking a shower. I thought this would be a good time to call you." Only then did Skinner notice that Scully had been speaking unusually quietly during their conversation. "All right, Scully, I'll be there as soon --" The sound of a door crashing open was clearly audible over the phone. "Mulder --" Scully's cell phone dropped to the carpet with a soft thud. "Scully! Agent Scully! What's going on?" "Mulder! Let me go!" "Who you talkin' to? Huh?" "I don't know what you're talking ab--" The rest was cut off as Scully gasped. "Maybe talking to Kersh? Tellin' him all about our case? *My* case?" "Mulder, we need to get you to a hospital...please...let me go..." "Agent Mulder!" "Let...me...go!" More struggling sounds could be heard plainly over the phone. Skinner was unable to move as he pressed the receiver to his unbelieving ear. Then there was a hard thud against a wall and the sound of a punch. Mulder moaned angrily. "Sir! I need help!" Running footsteps and the sound of drawers being frantically opened, then Scully's voice again, screaming incredulously, with angry tears obvious in her voice, "My gun! Mulder, you took my gun!" Click. Scully was unable to stifle a sob. Then, "Mulder, put it down." Slowly, calmly, the way she learned at Quantico. The part of Skinner's mind that wasn't thinking about the danger she was in held admiration for Scully. Another punch, this one harder, and the sound of someone collapsing on the floor. Scully howled in pain, her voice close to where the phone lay on the floor. She was furious now. "Put the gun down! Mulder, drop it! *Now,* you son of a --" A gunshot. A cry of pain ripped through the phone. Heavy footsteps were becoming more and more audible. Then a crunching sound, and the line went dead. Skinner remained standing, stunned out of all capability to move. Then, snapped out of his horrified trance, Skinner slammed the phone into the cradle and threw the office door open. His secretary looked up, surprised. "Kimberly! Get on the phone!" ========================= 10:47 p.m. Days Inn Roanoke ========================= The door on motel room 116 burst open and a team of FBI agents swarmed in. Skinner came in last, unwilling to admit to himself that he was afraid. His fears were more than justified. The scene that met his eyes looked like any one of the hundreds of violent crime cases he'd handled. But this one was different. Working on so many horrific cases bred a sort of survival instinct -- learning to detach oneself from the cases and deal with them in a cool, professional manner. That ability was the only thing that kept Skinner from leaving the room. Forcing himself to view each detail in the room as though he was looking at a series of crime scene photographs, he walked slowly through the doorway and into the room. Two broken lamps. The shower curtain and bathroom door hanging open and a fist- sized dent in the wall where the doorknob had smashed against it. Watery footprints leading from the bathroom in long, purposeful strides. Wrinkled, disheveled twin beds that looked like they had been jumped on a couple of times by a two-year-old. All the drawers in the cabinet yanked open and hanging ajar, with the few contents scattered on the floor. A dried pool of blood on the floor near the dresser with a trail leading out the door to the parking lot. A crushed cell phone, lying where it had been dropped on the floor. Skinner could only imagine what had happened, but he couldn't imagine why in his wildest nightmare. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, trying unsuccessfully not to remember the scene as it had unfolded over the phone. "Sir! We've found a trail!" Skinner pulled himself up and followed the agent out the door and into a car, tiredly resigned to listening to the endless torrent of information. "It was a...'98 Camry. Beige. Judging by the marks in the dust, we figure your guy dragged her out to the car. Now you said the guy had mentioned something about the nearby lake. The road leading to Carvins Cove Reservoir, a few minutes away, was the first place we checked. And we got lucky. Good thing your guy's a predictable psycho," he chuckled. "Understand one thing," Skinner exploded quietly. "This is not a game; it is a case. And their names are Agent Mulder and Agent Scully. You will refer to them as such. Is this clear?" The agent nodded, slightly confused but unfazed. "Anyway, we found tire tracks at the end of this road, and...well, you can see for yourself." They parked at the end of the road. Skinner quickly got out of the car and stood up. Clearly visible in the tall, weedy grass were tire tracks. He stared for a second at the tracks, then followed them the remaining 100 yards or so to the shore, hoping as he ran that maybe he would find the car parked somewhere in the grass. Finally he reached the shore and stopped cold. The tire tracks went completely into the lake. Skinner was unable to do anything but stand there, staring blankly into the quiet water. ========================= A.D. Skinner's office Thursday, August 19 12:52 p.m. ========================= Skinner sat at his desk, going over the agent's preliminary report for the thousandth time. It took all his effort to maintain a professional attitude towards the case. Flipping back to the first page of the report, he began to read through it again. The report was fairly thorough. It listed possible scenarios for what had happened that night, possible motivations for the suspect, and a recommended course of action. It was confirmed by forensics that the blood on the carpet in the room did indeed belong to Agent Scully. The car had not been found yet. As denial faded and hopelessness set in, Skinner flicked the report closed and sighed. ========================= Margaret Scully's residence 1:32 p.m. ========================= Maggie Scully wandered into her bedroom with a steaming cup of tea and glanced out the window. She loved storms, especially on days when there was nothing to do and she could curl up in bed with a book and something warm to drink -- exactly what she was planning on doing now. She hopped onto the big comfy bed and leaned against the chubby pillows, just enjoying listening to the sound of the rain and the occasional rumble of distant thunder. After a minute, she realized that the wind was picking up and the thunder was getting louder. She picked up the remote control and flicked on the television, checking to see if the news had anything to say about the storm. A perky reporter was talking. "...current trends are expected to continue well into the coming year." The camera cut back to the studio. The anchorwoman looked back at the camera as a small video box with a picture of a woman popped up in the upper right corner of the screen. Maggie squinted at it, gathering her blanket closer around her shoulders. Then her eyes widened and she gasped involuntarily as she suddenly recognized the face on the screen. "Dana?" Fear chilling her blood, she sat up, unable to move any farther. "Meanwhile, there are no current leads in the investigation into the abduction and possible murder of F.B.I. Special Agent Dana Scully." Maggie sat, paralyzed, powerless to take her eyes off the TV screen. ========================= Econo Lodge Room 1124 Richmond, Virginia 1:33 p.m. ========================= Mulder walked to the TV and turned it up. "Hey Scully, look at this." "Meanwhile, there are no current leads in the investigation into the abduction and possible murder of F.B.I. Special Agent Dana Scully." Scully walked into the room holding a towel in one hand. She ran the towel through her drying hair and sat down on the bed as the anchorwoman continued to talk. "...received this alarming phone call yesterday evening." A fuzzy recording of Scully's call to Skinner began to play. "Sir! I need help!" as footsteps pounded across the floor. Drawers pulled hastily open. "My gun! Mulder, you took my gun!" A hammer cocking. "Mulder, put it down. Put the gun down! Mulder, drop it! *Now,* you son of a --" The shot split the air. The anchorwoman looked back at the camera. "Dana Scully's partner-turned-assailant, Special Agent Fox Mulder, is believed to have shot and possibly murdered her. The car the agents were driving was found missing with tire tracks leading into a nearby lake. The Justice Department is doing everything they can to locate the two agents, but it doesn't look hopeful." Mulder turned around and grinned at Scully. "Not a bad piece of work, if I do say so myself." She was silent, deep in thought. "I never knew you were such a good actress, Scully," Mulder continued. She glanced up and smiled. "It was easy when you make such a good psychopath." He chuckled, then sat down on the bed next to her. "You okay?" She nodded. He looked at her for another moment and began thinking about what had happened. It had been a relatively easy matter to fake their disappearance. Since both were F.B.I. agents and Scully was a doctor, they were able to get some of her blood drawn quickly and without any questions. After that, they found a used car lot and bought an old Buick, and purchased a new cell phone for Scully. From there it was just a matter of putting the plates on the Buick and finding a motel room near a lake. He had come up with the idea. He was also the one who suggested the idea of going crazy and assaulting Scully. He knew, with a sad certainty, that it was a story that everyone would believe. It was certainly strange to have to act out such a horrible scene. Mulder still wasn't sure how he felt about it. They knew that they shouldn't tell anyone that the two of them were still alive. They hadn't even told the Gunmen. Mulder couldn't help but wonder how everyone was taking it. No doubt many of his colleagues were smugly thinking they knew he was crazy all along. They were staying at a hotel for as long as it took to find a cheap apartment where the owner wouldn't recognize them -- or care if he did. The downside of faking a crime was that their pictures had been shown on local news broadcasts all across the country -- and especially in the Virginia area, since that was where the crime had supposedly taken place. Neither Mulder nor Scully were sure how much publicity the case would get, and too much attention by the media could make their lives very difficult. But they weren't going to give up now. He glanced over at her. She was staring absently at the television, probably thinking about the same things as he was. Feeling the need to break the tension that had settled over them both, he touched her arm. She looked up and he smiled, taking a strand of damp hair in his fingers. "Hey, you have to see your hair." She paused and then laughed, suddenly. "Mulder..." "What?" "I can't..." "'Course you can. Come on." He took her arm and pulled her off the bed. She went reluctantly to the mirror and looked at the face that met her there. There she was, with slightly damp dark brown hair. It was like looking at a different person. She was speechless. Mulder smiled and rested his chin on her head, looking at her disbelieving face in the mirror. "Lookin' good, Agent Scully," he murmured. She smiled distractedly and touched her hair. Suddenly breaking out of her shocked daze, Scully turned away from the mirror and walked to the closed laptop sitting on the table. Mulder followed her to the table and stood next to her. "Any ideas on how we're going to track down any information when *they* couldn't find anything?" "Come on, Mulder...the guys may be good, but they weren't there. You and I know what to look for." He nodded and they switched on the computer. As the laptop warmed up, Mulder looked at Scully. "Scully, I'm sorry for everything this has put you through. I know --" Her head snapped up, eyes blazing. "Mulder! Stop apologizing!" Startled, Mulder felt his eyes widen in surprise at the sudden outburst. She sighed and continued, quieter this time. "I know it won't be easy, Mulder, but I'm prepared for that. I want you to know --" she put her hand over his larger one and squeezed it gently, "-- that I'm in this with you, and I'm not going anywhere." She paused with a sad light in her eyes. "I thought you knew that I'm not the type to run off on you like that, Mulder. I thought you trusted me more than that." Mulder thought the look in her eyes would break his heart. Forcing the words to come, he opened his mouth. "I know, Scully...I know you. I know you wouldn't leave me in this by myself. I just...so many people have betrayed me -- people whom I trusted -- and I can't stop myself from thinking that maybe they were right, and that I should give you every chance to get as far away from me as you can. And I know that you're putting your life at risk by sticking by me, and I don't want to see you die." She looked deeply into his eyes, her gaze penetrating to his heart. "Mulder, if I didn't want to be here, with you, I wouldn't be. I would have found a way out -- a reassignment, anything -- years ago. But I'm not just tagging along for the ride, Mulder. Your quest has become mine as well. I want to find the truth just as much as you. And I won't run out on you. I promise you that." He stared at her blankly for a second, her words taking time to break through to his heart. Then a grin flooded his features and he reached over and put his arm around her shoulder. "Come here." She conceded willingly as he gave her the biggest hug he'd given anyone in a long time. He sighed contentedly. " I love you, Scully." She leaned against him, letting all her tension flood out of her as she met his embrace, assuring him gently, "I love you too, Mulder." They held each other for many minutes, simply enjoying the presence of the other. Finally, Scully stirred and Mulder released her reluctantly from his arms. Without a word, they sat at the table in front of the laptop, preparing to get down to business. "Hey, Scully, I just remembered something." She looked up, her eyes inviting him to continue. "Remember how you found out that Rob Harris was going to see a friend the day he died? We were going to find out his name and question him about those files that Harris left over there." "Do you think the friend might have had something to do with Harris's death?" "Mrs. Harris said they worked for the same company, right? So maybe this friend wasn't a friend at all; maybe he saw the research Harris was doing and thought it was enough to have him killed." "Mrs. Harris did mention that her husband had been researching a product they had been shipping." Mulder's eyes lit up the way they always did when he was rolling with a theory. "What if it was the virus? What if Rob Harris found out about the company's secret transactions with the government and thought it was strange? He was probably researching it, found out a little too much, and someone wanted to make sure no one else found out what he knew." "But what did he find out from his research? How much did he learn on his own before telling the friend? Mulder, he could have found out more than we have," Scully finished, looking apprehensive and eager at the same time. He stared at her, assimilating this new idea into his mental web. "Scully, why don't you call Mrs. Harris and see what you can find out about her husband's buddy." "What are you going to do?" "See what I can dig up online." She nodded and pulled out the cell phone they had bought for her. Then she stared at it, suddenly horrified. "Mulder, your old cell phone..." He looked at her, uncomprehending, then blinked as he realized what she meant. Pulling it from his jacket pocket, he walked into the bathroom. He quickly filled the sink, turned the phone on, and dropped it into the water. Then he walked back into the room. "Let's see if I lapse into catatonic schizophrenia now..." he smiled. Scully eyed him, too relieved that the matter was taken care of to smile, and turned her phone on. He turned back to the computer and connected to the Internet, dimly aware of Scully's low voice in the background. "Mrs. Harris? I'm Agent Brown, from the F.B.I. Yes, I know, we're doing everything we can. Well, I've been assigned to wrap your husband's case up. I'm sorry to call you so suddenly like this, but I have some last questions..." Mulder turned his attention to the computer screen again and logged on to his favorite Internet message board to see if any of the paranoid members had gotten wind of the case. Then something on the page made him stop scrolling down the list of topic names and stare unbelievingly at the screen. "Thank you very much for your help, Mrs. Harris. If we hear anything new, we'll let you know." Scully terminated the call and began to recite what the other woman had said. "Mrs. Harris told me that her husband was going to stop by a Brett Silver's house to pick up some files. She told me that her husband hadn't really been complaining to her about work, but he did seem vaguely stressed out over something. She thought he was trying to protect her from whatever the problem was, and she figured he knew what he was doing, so she didn't ask. That's all I..." She trailed off as she saw Mulder glance up for the first time from the screen. "Mulder? Are you listening?" "Scully...look at this." She walked to the computer and bent down to look at the screen. The computer was displaying on its screen the main message list. The mouse cursor was resting on the topic name and author that had so intrigued Mulder. Scully gasped. "Mulder...is that..." Their eyes met. Mulder nodded. "I think so, Scully." Mulder clicked on the link, waiting impatiently for the page to load. Finally the message was displayed on the screen: ----------------------------------------------- --------------- -- "Starbuck and Ahab" (author: Cowardly Lion, Scarecrow, and Toto) Ha ha ha. Info: PK has a lot in common with the other managers. Two- faced. Uses the position for monitoring progress. All for now. Hope it helps. P.S. what kind of amateurs do you think we are? ----------------------------------------------- --------------- -- Mulder read and reread the message over several times as Scully did the same. Then he smiled. "No fooling those guys," he muttered. Scully looked up from the screen. "Mulder, it's great that they'll be able to keep in touch with us...but won't this give us away?" "Don't worry," he assured her with confidence born from experience. "Every message on here is every bit as coded, obscure, and cryptic as this one. As long as we don't respond, no one's going to give it a second glance." She was silent, considering the accuracy of his words, and studied the message again. ========================= Police station Four Mile, Alabama ========================= Jake Kelley checked his watch, then leaned forward across his desk. "Hey Joe," he called to the officer at the desk across from him. Joe looked up from his copy of People. "Yeah?" "I'm goin' for my lunch break now. Be back in twenty or so." Joe nodded. Kelley stood and walked back to the back room to pick up his jacket, and Joe went back to the article on Cameron Diaz. Several minutes passed. Joe came to the end of the article and was flipping back to the table of contents when he paused and glanced up. "Yo Jake!" There was no answer. "Kelley?" Silence. Joe stood and leaned over his desk to try and see into the back room. Having no luck with that, he went around the desk and walked curiously to the back room. "Hey Jake? Whatcha doin', man?" Joe rounded the corner and walked into the back room. He looked around. There was the row of coats, the old unused filing cabinets, a bulletin board, -- He glanced down. "Oh, man...Jake! Jake, can you hear me? Jake?!" He knelt on the floor beside Kelley's prone body and felt in vain for a pulse. Looking up helplessly, Joe stared for a moment, his breath coming in heavy, short gasps. Then he jumped up and ripped the phone off the cradle. The paramedics were there within ten minutes and packed Kelley into the ambulance. It took off, siren piercing the still of the afternoon, leaving the police station quietly deserted. No one had noticed the squirming bee lying on its back on the floor. ========================= A.D. Skinner's office 3:27 p.m. ========================= Skinner stood up from his desk, unable to think about the case anymore. Unable to put off any longer the fact that it wasn't just a case. He walked quickly out the adjoining door and rounded the corner, ignoring whatever his secretary was saying. Somehow he thought that if he walked briskly enough and fast enough that maybe he could leave his problems behind, but as he left the office and saw the steady stream of people passing him by in the hall, he couldn't push the thoughts away anymore. In all likelihood, Agents Mulder and Scully would never again be in that crowd of people. Never again walk into his office doing the little act they always did, albeit restrainedly, in his office -- Mulder trying to push his theory into the light of plausibility and Scully standing there with the army of reason and science on her side, gently doing her best to keep Mulder back. Skinner couldn't suppress a wry smile. Rarely had Mulder ever been wrong. And now he had killed himself. And taken Scully with him. It was unthinkable. Suddenly he blinked, and realized he was standing outside his office door staring blankly at the crowded hallway. He sighed and shook himself mentally. It was then that he heard his secretary's insistent and worried calling. He turned around and leaned on the doorframe. "What is it, Kimberly?" "Um...I'm sorry to bother you, sir, but there's a Margaret Scully on line one. She says it's urgent," Kimberly amended, seeing the A.D's face tense. Skinner sighed again. "All right, I'll take it in my office." She nodded and he walked slowly back into the room he had spent countless years of his life growing to hate. Forcing himself to pick up the phone, Skinner reconciled himself to one of the most difficult phone calls he had ever had to make. "Mrs. Scully?" There was a long pause, then a quiet, ragged sob. "Mr. Skinner, *where* is my daughter?" Skinner rubbed his forehead and sighed. "Is there somewhere I can meet you?" ========================= Haad Thai restaurant Washington, D.C. 9:32 p.m. ========================= Skinner looked up as Mrs. Scully hesitantly approached the small booth. Standing, he stretched out his hand in greeting. "Mrs. Scully? Good to see you again." She took his hand, looking at him with remarkable eyes that were striking not as much in their beauty as in the strength behind them. "It's good to see you too," she murmured, sliding in to her side of the booth. Skinner sat as well. Wasting no time, Maggie folded her hands on the table and met Skinner's eyes. "Tell me...everything you know. Please." He exhaled slowly. "I don't know where to begin." "How? I saw the news this afternoon. Do you really think Fox could've done this?" "I don't know. All the evidence tells me otherwise, but...I have this feeling." "He would *never* hurt my Dana. I'm sure of it." Skinner nodded, looking around the room. "I know; I feel the same way." They were quiet, faced with two very familiar possibilities. Which was true? The logical, Bureau-backed scenario, or something vague and improbable -- two people's intuition? Skinner and Maggie sat silently together. They were, for this brief time at least, equals, sharing disbelief mixed with sadness as the night wore on. ========================= Econo Lodge Richmond, Virginia 11:03 p.m. ========================= The news was on again. Scully and Mulder sat besides each other on the floor at the foot of one of the beds watching the news on one of the local stations. Scully glanced over at her partner, who was watching the TV screen absently. She turned her attention to the television. The same anchorwoman that was on in the afternoon was sitting at the news desk. "And now, the latest on the abduction of F.B.I. agent Dana Scully." Scully sat up straighter. "Mulder, look." A video clip of Skinner conversing with reporters had begun to play as the anchorwoman kept talking. "We caught up with Walter Skinner, an Assistant Director at the F.B.I. and the Special Agent in Charge of the case, at a local D.C. restaurant." The camera moved in as Mulder turned to Scully, a look of surprise in his eyes. "I didn't know Skinner was appointed as the SAC in the case." "I didn't know he could be," Scully said in a low voice, also surprised. Then the sound on the video came up, and Skinner's words became audible. "We're really not sure what happened at this point. I can tell you, however, that the agents' car was located earlier this evening in a small lake just north of Roanoke, and there was enough of Agent Scully's blood found in the room and the car to assume that she did not survive." Scully shivered almost imperceptibly but Mulder felt it and looked down at her. She returned his gaze and relaxed against him as he put his arm around her shoulder and held her gently. "Our forensics team also detected Agent's Mulder's blood in the interior of the car, indicating the possibility of a murder-suicide. Neither one of the agents has been found," Skinner finished. Scully heard the video clip fade out and allowed her eyelids to drift closed and her head to drop slowly onto Mulder's chest, listening to the rhythmic sound of his quiet breathing. She was completely relaxed. Then she felt him startle. "What is it, Mulder?" she murmured. "Scully, isn't that your mother?" Scully's head came up as her gaze was instantly riveted on the TV. The reporter was still speaking. "We also found Margaret Scully, Dana Scully's mother, at the restaurant with A.D. Skinner. She declined our request for an interview, but she did have this to say." Slowly her mother's words became audible. "I can't deny the facts, but we will continue to hope and pray for my daughter's safe return." There was a lump in Scully's throat as she watched her mother's tear-stained face. She was so strong, always, but Scully knew how hard it was for her, having an F.B.I. agent for a daughter. How every night there was that small part of her mother's mind that wondered as she went to bed whether Scully was safe. Scully closed her eyes and felt Mulder's arm around her, drawing strength by his presence. And as she watched her mother push wearily through the swarm of eager reporters and get into her car, she knew that her decision to search for the truth would be harder than ever. ========================= Somewhere in Virginia 11:31 p.m. ========================= "Is everything going according to plan?" the man asked, his voice commanding respect and demanding an answer. Another man turned to look at the large Mercator-projection map of Earth, stretching across a far wall. Indicating with a small wave of his hand the collection of small colored thumbtacks that littered the surface of the map, he spoke. "We are perfectly on schedule. They will be pleased." The first man walked slowly to the map and stood in front of it, sharp eyes taking note of the thumbtacks' positions and colors. At last he turned to face the other men, silent and waiting. He took out a cigarette and his lighter and flicked the wheel. A flash of flame illuminated a wrinkled, bitter face. His sudden smile struck fear into the hearts of the younger members. "Let it begin." ========================= Friday, August 20 6:54 a.m. ========================= Mulder awoke to find himself in the same position he had been in when he drifted off last night. Sitting -- lying, really - - at the foot of the bed with Scully asleep on his shoulder, he lingered for a while, enjoying the time of peace and restfulness that exists only in the morning. Finally realized he wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, despite the enticingness of the idea, Mulder reached behind him and pulled a large pillow from the bed, then gently shifted Scully's sleeping form to the pillow. She stirred and opened her eyes unfocusedly, mumbling "What happened?" in bleary, faint tones. "Shhhhh...." Mulder whispered, softly brushing her tangled hair back from her face. "Go back to sleep...I'm just going to get some coffee." She nodded as her head dropped back into the pillow. He stood and walked into the bathroom, emerging again in several minutes with his face swathed in white gauze bandages and the small tortoiseshell glasses on. Feeling ridiculous and awkward with the clumsy but necessary disguise, he stood in the bathroom doorway for a few moments, watching Scully curled up on the floor and wondering if he should leave her, asleep and alone and unprotected. Then he shook apprehensive thoughts aside and headed downstairs to the hotel coffee shop. ========================= Scully awoke again a few minutes after Mulder left. She sat up, slightly disoriented, then remembering where she was, she stood up and glanced around to see if Mulder had gone yet. The television was still playing quietly in the background. Scully got up, walked to the small wooden dresser was beginning to get dressed when she heard something on the TV that caught her attention. ========================= Mulder strode into the little coffee shop on the ground floor of the hotel and picked up a Styrofoam cup, forcing himself to ignore the eight or ten people that were scattered around the lobby area drinking coffee or watching the TV that was attached to the corner of the ceiling. He placed the cup under the spigot for coffee and glanced around the lobby, scanning the area for anyone who looked out of place. "Excuse me," a voice spoke up from behind him. Mulder whirled around to see a balding man standing next to him, obviously waiting for his turn at the coffee machine. Mulder half- smiled from sheer relief and moved out of the way, muttering, "Excuse me," as he did so. The man nodded and began filling a cup with decaf. "You live near here?" Mulder's mind went on alert, but he remained pleasant and shook his head. "I'm from Michigan," he told the man. "Oh really? Whereabouts?" "Lansing area," Mulder ad-libbed, getting more suspicious by the minute. The man nodded and looked at his coffee, then picked up a package of Sweet 'n Lo. "What, uh...happened to your face?" he asked, looking Mulder straight in the eye. "Car accident," Mulder said immediately, then wished he hadn't. The man nodded again, sympathetically. "More and more of that these days." Mulder eyed him momentarily. He seemed like just a tourist who was staying in the same hotel and liked to make friendly conversation, not a Syndicate agent. Whether he was or not, he just stood there, silent now, stirring his coffee. Mulder finally decided it was time to leave. "Well, I've got to be heading back to my room now, so--" "Wait a minute," the man said, now looking at the television at the end of the room. He gestured to the screen. "You hear about this?" Mulder glanced up to the TV. ========================= Scully, dressed now, switched the TV off and walked swiftly to the bedside table. Relieved now that she had thought to put Mulder's new number on speed dial, she slid her cell phone off the table and into her palm. ========================= His picture, taken for his F.B.I. badge, was plastered across the screen of the television. Forcing himself to remain calm and stay put until he could leave quickly without attracting attention or suspicion, Mulder watched the Good Morning America news report with the rest of the people in the room. Just then, to his relief, his cell phone rang. "Hello?" Mulder said in what he hoped was a cheery, vacationing tourist voice, glad he had remembered not to answer with "Mulder". "Mulder, you have to come back up to the room. Is the television on down there?" "Hi, honey," he said, for the benefit of the few people around him. "Yeah, that's right." "I'm guessing you're not alone," Scully said, the barest edge of amusement creeping around the edges of her brisk tone. "Can you get back up here without much notice?" "All right, I'm coming right now, sweetheart," he smiled. "Do you want any coffee...maybe a bagel or some orange juice?" "That's good, Mulder. Just come back up as soon as you can." "Okay then. I love you, honey." There was a pause. "I love you too, Mulder." Then the line went dead. Mulder smiled, his first genuine smile since he had come downstairs, and leaned closer to the man. "I got to go now," he said, winking at the man. "She hates to be left alone, if you know what I mean." The man chuckled and Mulder smiled, thankful for the camaraderie between men about the affections of a woman. He slowly backed towards the door. "See you later," he said, raising one hand in farewell. The man nodded and chuckled again. Finally, Mulder was out the door and in the elevator. ========================= Scully glanced up as the door to their room opened and then sighed in relief as Mulder walked tensely through the door and slid the chain lock into place. "Mulder." She stood in the middle of the room, with her hands on her hips, unwilling to let her relief show. "I know, I know. We have to be more careful." His voice tense with stress and frustration, he removed the glasses with one hand and began unwrapping the gauze from his face with the other. "That's not what I was going to say." He glanced up, eyes wide with guarded curiosity. She continued. "Mulder, I think you need to stay here from now on." His mouth opened in protest, but Scully cut him off and went on. "You are, at least to the police, a wanted criminal. Your picture was just put on national television in front of millions of people across the country. Do you know what could happen if just one person recognized you?" He sighed, realizing the truth of her words. She looked him in the eye, and her tone lowered. "No one's expecting to see me, and I probably wouldn't be recognized if I were out by myself. Besides, my picture's not the one they're showing. I know this isn't anything we planned on having to do, but neither of us thought this story would get so much coverage. Mulder," she said gently, putting her hand on his shoulder, "You know I'm right." He nodded slowly and looked up to meet her gaze. "We have to find an apartment as soon as possible." "I know." Mulder closed his eyes. "Scully..." he began, shaking his head in quiet frustration. "Our backs are up against the wall with this. We have no access to any of the F.B.I. facilities, we can't go back to Alabama...we can't respond to the Lone Gunmen's message without attracting attention. I can't even leave our room anymore. How are we going to find the truth when we've trapped ourselves in our own lie?" Scully took his hand and looked up into his face. "We did what we did because we had no choice." Seeing her words were having little effect, she continued insistently. "Mulder, if the date is really set, these people will not let you or me get in the way of their plans. Several attempts were made on both of our lives, and I believe they weren't going to stop until we stopped looking for answers. We could be either willfully ignorant or dead -- or sitting in this hotel room with a reasonable amount of freedom to search for the truth. I've made my choice, and so have you. It won't be easy, but the truth *never is.*" He nodded, reassured by her words. They were silent together for a little while, and then Mulder stood up. "Now what?" She thought for a minute. "All we have to go on is the message from the Lone Gunmen." Mulder's eyes lit up; he was glad to have something new to think about. "Scully, I'll bet that if we went down to another Nature's Best office, you'd see Phillip Kahn sitting behind the desk." Scully's brow furrowed, and finally she gave up. "What are you saying?" "I think they were trying to tell us that all the managers are the same. They're clones, Scully, just like Jeremiah Smith." "So -- wait. If that's true, would they have the same...shape-shifting ability that Jeremiah Smith had?" Mulder sobered. "I hope not, Scully." She looked down, considering the possibilities. After a minute, she stood. "I'm going to go down to the lobby and get a cup of tea." He nodded and switched the computer on. ========================= Scully walked out of the elevator and into the now crowded lobby area, hoping that her confidence would hold. There was a line of about six people for the coffee and hot water machines and she got in it quickly, looking around at the crowds of people out of habit and apprehension. She was dismayed at how paranoid she had become, but realized that their fears were grounded in reality. Which made the fear worse. ((Quite a vicious circle you've gotten yourself into, Dana.)) Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she again looked around at the lobby, seeing it, she hoped, through more rational eyes than before. Tourists were milling about in the foyer, buying maps and travel guides and whatever else would fit in those little fanny packs. The coffee line had narrowed down to four people. There were yellow newspaper dispensers lined up next to the table with the coffee and hot water, and Scully leaned down to read the headline out of curiosity and boredom. The article was an unmemorable piece about some plans the mayor had to donate more park space to the city, but what caught Scully's attention as she glanced at the table of contents was enough to make her eyes widen in alarm. ========================= A balding man stood alone in a desolate corner of the lobby, observing the people -- particularly the woman with the short brown hair by the coffee -- and speaking quickly and quietly to an invisible listener. "I've found them." There was a slight pause. "The Econo Lodge just east of downtown Richmond." A longer pause. The man listened intently. "All right." He stepped away from the wall and walked to the waiting area. Picking up a newspaper, he seated himself in a chair near the small crowd of people and pretended to read, waiting for further instructions from the voices that spoke in his ear. ========================= Mulder had almost finished changing his clothes when the door flew open and Scully was standing in the doorway. He glanced up, surprised and mildly amused. Scully didn't appear to notice, and as Mulder met her gaze, he saw that look in her eyes that he'd seen only once before -- the day last summer that she had told him she was resigning from the Bureau. He felt his blood run cold as he looked into her eyes. She was barely holding back tears. Something serious had happened. "Scully?" She walked into the room and tossed a newspaper down on the bed nearest Mulder. He quickly pulled his pants on and sat down on the bed, picking up the paper. It had been opened to the "News in our Neighborhood" section. Mulder glanced up at Scully, the question in his eyes. Wordlessly, she pointed down to the bottom of the page. The headline read, "Nature's Best to Open Local Office". He looked up sharply. She nodded and whispered, "Read it." Mulder looked down at the paper again and read the brief article to himself. 'There's new hope for the unemployed this fall. Nature's Best, an agricultural company, is opening a huge facility right here in Richmond. They are planning to hire over 500 new Richmond employees. "The company is expanding at such a rapid rate," said Phillip Kahn, the soon-to-be manager of the new Nature's Best office. "We are expecting to more than triple our current facility area and land space." Because of this rapid rate of expansion, Nature's Best will soon be opening hundreds of newly-built offices all over the U.S. and even more than that overseas. The official grand opening is slated for Labor Day.' Stunned, Mulder had to reread the article several times to convince himself of what he had just read. Then he closed his eyes and let the truth hit him like a freight train, the newspaper dropping from his hands and falling to the floor unheeded. They were expanding, the article said. Worldwide expansion. If a Nature's Best facility included any of the things they had seen in that field in north Texas, then Mulder's darkest nightmare probably hadn't come close to what they could be facing. The case in Payson, South Carolina came to Mulder's reeling mind. All those children. All those bees. That was only a test. Labor Day was seventeen days away. A small sob caught his attention. He looked up to see Scully standing in front of him, shoulders slumped in despondency and tears running down her cheeks. He stood up and took her face in his hands, and she leaned against him, her body shaking with quiet sobs. After a minute, she looked up into his eyes, her own filled with tears. "Mulder...it's been so easy for me not to believe. To rationalize, to push the things I don't understand to the back of my head, to stick to the rules of science. And now...I don't know what to believe any more...." He pulled her closer and gently kissed her forehead, wrapping his strong arms around the woman he adored. "Oh, Scully..." he murmured, trying to impart to her courage he didn't really feel. He closed his eyes, a part of his mind wishing he had never found the X-files, wishing he had never known there were forces beyond this world that held such unfathomable power over humankind, wishing he had met Scully at a little cafe in D.C. somewhere. But he knew that they were doing what they were meant to be doing. Whether or not he had believed in fate before the Cradock and Marine bank incident, he couldn't deny that it had made him think. Maybe he and Scully were meant to be here, or maybe they were only here through a series of choices they had made somewhere in life, but they were here, together, in this hotel room, and this was the only place he could imagine himself. Despite everything that had happened, he knew with deep certainty that neither he nor Scully would have changed anything about their lives together -- professional or otherwise. "Mulder," she whispered, bringing him back to the present. He looked down at her. She was looking at him with such an expression of strength and beauty that it nearly broke his heart. He couldn't bring himself to speak. "Mulder...this is really it, isn't it?" Her words, so frank, brought Mulder's worst fears into the blinding light of certainty. He nodded slowly. "I think so, Scully." In spite of himself, a tear slipped down his cheek, more for Scully than the rest of the world. She saw the tear and caressed it away softly with her hand. He was touched and comforted by the gesture and shut his eyes, blocking out everything except the feel of her hand on his cheek. ========================= The bald man's concentration was focused on a sound no others could hear. After a moment, he breathed a nearly inaudible assent, and stood, folding the paper and placing it on the chair behind him. He walked briskly to the elevator, paying no attention to the men who stood and began walking in the same direction as he went by. By the time he reached the elevator, he was followed by a group of ten or fifteen men, all inconspicuously dressed and each seemingly keeping to himself. Once inside, a large, sinister-looking man placed his finger on the button for floor eleven and glanced at the bald man, who flicked his stare in his direction and nodded his head a fraction of an inch. ========================= In the silence, Mulder's attention was drawn to the radio between the beds, playing a song softly. Something about it caught his interest, and he was aware of Scully also listening as he let the peace of the music wash over him. "For all those times you stood by me For all the truth that you made me see For all the joy you brought to my life For all the wrong that you made right For every dream you made come true For all the love I found in you I'll be forever thankful, baby You're the one who held me up Never let me fall You're the one who saw me through Through it all." Mulder looked down at Scully. Her arms were wrapped loosely around his shoulders, her eyes closed. He simply watched her for a moment until her eyes opened to look into his. Both were unable to look away, their unspeaking gaze conveying more than words ever could as the words of the song spoke for them. "You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'cause you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me." Scully looked into Mulder's eyes and was lost in their depths. They held such quiet passion that she couldn't move even if she had wanted to. They were bright with the glimmer of unshed tears. She wanted desperately to forget. Forget that in two and a half weeks, the world would change harshly and they might lose each other forever. As she gazed into his eyes, she knew he was feeling the same heart- wrenching feelings. But he gave her strength, just by his presence, and more than he could ever know. And he was there for her, with unwavering love and support. They would get through this. Together. "You gave me wings and made me fly You touched my hand; I could touch the sky I lost my faith, you gave it back to me You said no star was out of reach You stood by me and I stood tall I had your love, I had it all I'm grateful for each day you gave me Maybe I don't know that much But I know this much is true I was blessed because I was loved by you." She was so beautiful. And as Mulder watched her, he knew the song was affecting her as much as it was him. His hand strayed to her hair and he stroked it gently, unable to put into words the feelings he felt. He pulled her closer and rested his head gently on hers, closing his eyes. Impulsively, he began to rock her slowly, savoring the strength her presence was building in him. Time had stopped for them, for the moment. "You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'cause you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me." Mulder bent his head and crooked a finger under Scully's chin to softly raise it. Her eyes slowly opened, long lashes lifted to reveal a stunning blue-green. Intending to speak, his lips parted, but words would not come. She glanced at his mouth, so close to hers, and then looked into his eyes again, her breath and pulse quickening. "You were always there for me The tender wind that carried me A light in the dark shining your love into my life You've been my inspiration Through the lies you were the truth My world is a better place because of you." Their lips met and time stopped there -- frozen in a rainbow of hope and beauty. "You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'cause you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me I'm everything I am Because you loved me." The song ended, and after another moment so did the kiss. Scully leaned against Mulder's chest and closed her eyes again. His hand came up to stroke her hair softly. After a minute, she spoke, her voice a barely audible whisper. "What are we going to do? What *can* we do? We can't just stand by and wait for...it, whatever it is, to happen." "I know," Mulder returned in a low tone. "I don't know what...what we can do, but we have to do something. We have to stop this. Somehow, Scully. We'll find a way," he murmured, his words muffled, his lips pressed to her hair. She gave a small nod, and reluctantly moved from his arms. He let her go, watching her walk away to the other side of the room. ========================= The man coolly watched the small round numbers over the elevator door light up and darken in succession. 8... 9... 10... 11. The doors slid open. ========================= Scully sat at the table and flipped open the slim grey laptop, kicking off her shoes and taking a sip of tea. Mulder walked over and leaned over her shoulder. "What are you thinking, Scully?" She glanced up. "If the company is going public now, there may be some new information on the Internet from the other cities where an office is opening. At the very least we may be able to determine the scale of this." She dropped her gaze back to the computer, taking a deep breath. After another moment, she spoke again, her words softly cutting to the heart and the truth of all they were facing. "I know it won't do much, Mulder, but it's the only thing I can think to do right now." He nodded, knowing too well the feeling he had seen in her eyes -- the quiet desperation, the futility, the need to do something, anything really, and the overwhelming feeling that nothing could ever make a difference. After a moment he stood and walked to the door. Scully turned around. "Mulder? Where are you going?" He looked at her and waved an empty package of sunflower seeds, smiling sheepishly. She rolled her eyes. "Come on, Mulder. Can't you live without those things?" "You wouldn't deny Popeye his spinach, would you, Scully?" She groaned and rolled her eyes again. "And what if someone sees you?" "Snack machine's just around the corner, Scully," he said, opening the door. He shot her the 'hey-it's- me' look. "Be back in a flash." She smiled in spite of herself and turned back around to the computer. ========================= The men walked silently, navigating without a word down the maze of mulberry-carpeted corridors. Finally, the bald man stopped and held up his hand. He glanced around at the others. One man stepped forward, withdrew a small white plastic card from his pocket, and inserted it into the door. It clicked open without a sound, and the men advanced quietly into the room. Scully heard a noise behind her and turned with a small welcoming smile to greet Mulder. The smile disappeared instantly when she saw the men. She shot up, automatically preparing to defend herself, her service weapon in hand. At that moment, the last man entered the room, dragging a man in a choke hold with a gun to his head. "Mulder!" She watched, helpless, as Mulder struggled in the man's grip. She glanced up sharply as a suit-clad man stepped forward, keeping something with a silencer trained on her as he did so. "Put down your gun." Unwilling to surrender, she glanced around at the men, her mind searching furiously for some way of escape. Her silence was mistaken for indifference, and the man holding Mulder slid back the hammer on the gun with a vicious yank at his neck. Her breath caught softly, and she looked desperately at Mulder. He returned her gaze, mouthing raggedly, "Scully, don't..." Scully felt a deep sense of failure and sadness as she raised her hands in surrender and set her gun on the floor. The man nodded and smiled grimly, then signaled with a crook of his finger. Two men detached themselves from the group and strode over to Scully, pinning her arms roughly behind her back. The man on the right shoved a small white cloth over her mouth. As she recognized the sickening sweet smell of chloroform, her gaze returned to Mulder's face. As their eyes met, his face twisted in a grin, and the man holding Mulder released his grip. Suddenly, a man was standing before Scully, a man that she had seen only several times before. A man who had looked like her partner only a moment before and now was someone impossibly different. Her eyes widened as she realized what had happened, but by then the chloroform had begun to take effect. Her vision greyed as she collapsed in the men's arms. ========================= Mulder grit his teeth in frustration as the vending machine spit his dollar bill back on the floor again. Fishing in his pocket, he found some change, fed the coins to the machine, and punched the buttons for sunflower seeds. Nothing happened. He hit the buttons again, with no result. His mind flashing back to a similar time, he walked around to look behind the machine, hoping with a wry smile that this time it was plugged in. As he bent down to check the plug, he heard approaching footsteps. Some old instinct born out of paranoia made him stay behind the machine out of sight until they left. He glanced at the first man's face and his blood ran cold. The man from the lobby, his face hard and grim. He had to get back, to warn Scully somehow. ((But...then why are they walking *away* from our room?)) His mind couldn't consider this at the moment and he instantly forgot the thought as more men appeared, stalking down the hall. He pressed himself flat against the wall, his heart racing. If they saw him, there'd be no way he could escape. And then they'd go after Scully...and he'd have to watch as they took her. He shut his eyes momentarily, shoving away from his mind's eye images of her being taken. When he opened them, he realized that the men's footsteps were farther down the hall by now, and he dared to shoot a glance down the hallway. When he did, the last of the men was turning the corner. He stepped into the hall, looking around for anyone else, then he broke into a run in the direction of their room, hoping against hope that they hadn't been able to find the room. ========================= U.S. 60 East 9:07 a.m. ========================= The black sedan, flanked by several jeeps, cruised down the road away from the hotel. Inside, a woman lay, apparently unconscious, between two neatly dressed men. Two small handguns lay on the seats next to the two men, and each man had a hand casually resting on the weapon closest to him, eyes never straying from their gaze straight ahead. A tinny ringing sound could be heard suddenly - - though the men in the back seat never showed the slightest flicker of interest, and the woman never moved -- and the man in the passenger seat of the car smoothly opened a cell phone and raised it to his ear. "Yes?" The voice on the other end spoke, the sound hollow and metallic over the cell phone. "Have you met with success?" The man in the car allowed his gaze to touch briefly on the unconscious woman, and answered, "Partial success, sir." "Only partial?" He frowned. "Yes...*he* was not there when we entered, but his partner was, and she is in our custody now. We left a man behind in case he comes back." There was a pause, and the man spoke again, after a moment, to fill the silence rather than endure it. "Sir, we can be ready in an hour if this is inade--" "No," came the voice, smirking and smug in its self-assured brilliancy. "Let him be." Waiting momentarily for an explanation, and receiving none, the man inquired, in a tone of slight confusion, "Sir?" "Divide and conquer," the voice proclaimed. "If these two are separated, their primary focus will be on finding each other again, not on this...obsessive quest for the *truth,* as they see it." His tone was drenched in disdain. "No, leave Mulder alone. His concern and even love for his partner will fill his head; he won't be able to think about anything else. He'll blames himself, his concentration will be gone...without her, he's really nothing more than a paranoid lunatic. Besides, it may even leave him open to certain...possibilities?" The harsh smile in the man's voice was impossible to miss. The first man nodded, though he knew the caller wouldn't be able to see, and murmured "All right," into the phone, then hung up, taking another glance at Agent Scully before signaling the driver to take the next exit for the I-295. ========================= Send all comments, compliments, flames, or anything else you feel like saying to specialagentdana@aol.com. Feedback is practically begged for, as usual :)