Title: Emily Returns 2: The Truth About Anna? Author: Jessica Hildbold Reply to: Teahater@hotmail.com Spoilers: Up to Emily in the Fifth Season with implications from the finale and the movie. Rated: PG Category: MSR-SRA Keywords: Mulder/Scully Romance-Marriage Summary: Continuation of Part One. Mulder and Scully finally learn the truth about Anna, or most of it anyway. Archive: Anywhere and Everywhere!!! Disclaimer: See part one as well as Bill Scully Sr., Bill Mulder, Samantha Mulder, and Roberta and Marshall Sim. Once again, thanks for the loan! Emily Returns 2: The Truth About Anna? "Emily!" Dana Scully called from her kitchen late one night in August. She was finishing the dishes from dinner. Her new husband, Fox Mulder, had cooked her, himself, and their six-year-old daughter, Emily a wonderful spaghetti dinner, but had left a huge mess. Their deal was that whoever cooked didn't have to clean. "Emily, what are you doing?" "I'm on the computer!" Emily yelled back. She quickly closed the e- mail that she had been reading. Emily was supposed to be helping her mother with the dishes. Emily walked into the kitchen without saying a word and picked up a dishtowel. Emily and Scully had a tense mother- daughter relationship, although it was slowly getting better. Emily had been created by a government experiment during Scully's abduction years ago. Scully hadn't known about her until she was three. By then, Emily had a new family with a new mother and a new father. The same people that had created Emily murdered both of Emily's adoptive parents. Scully found Emily, or rather someone found Emily for her at the time that Emily's mother was killed. But Emily had been ravished with a disease that was caused by the process that brought her into the world. Scully believed Emily had died when she was three, but she was wrong. Instead, Emily was taken by a group called the Lost Generation, and raised by a young woman named Anna. She was a girl really, no more then twenty. Anna had returned Emily to Emily's father, Mulder, Scully's ex- FBI partner when she was six. That was just in January. It was a few months before Scully found out about her. Emily had grown quite attached to Mulder by then. And she seemed to blame Scully for her parents' death and for her hospital stay when she was three. It wasn't until Anna came back briefly, that Emily truly accepted Scully as her mother. Even now, Emily liked to test her limits with Scully, and she never seemed to be sure how Scully would react to certain situations. Scully was confident that the tension would fade with the more time they spent together. Emily and Scully worked in silence for a few minutes, before Emily finally said something. "Anna wrote me an e-mail today." Scully nearly dropped the glass she had been holding. It was nearing the time when Anna was supposed to come back to visit Emily, but they hadn't heard anything from Anna in the last few weeks. Mulder and Scully were beginning to think (and somewhat hope) that Anna was gone for good. "Oh yeah? What did she have to say?" "She's coming to visit on Friday." "Friday? That's only two days from now." "What's this, Baby Girl?" Mulder asked, walking into the room. "Anna's coming to visit on Friday," Emily told him. Mulder raised his eyebrows at Scully. She shrugged slightly, telling him they would talk about it later. "She said she wants to see me first before she answers any of your questions. Daddy, what questions do you have for Anna?" "Grown-up questions, Baby Girl," Mulder replied. Emily made a face. She looked at her mother. "We just want to know who Anna is and what she does," Scully said. "But I already told you, Anna is my sister, and she rescues kids from the bad men," Emily protested. "We know, but Daddy and I just don't understand how she can be your sister. And if she is your sister, we'd like to get to know her." "I think Emily, that it's time for you take your bath. We've had a late dinner," Mulder told her. "I'll finish with the dishes." "Okay," Emily sighed. She danced out of the kitchen and into her room. Scully turned to Mulder as he began to dry a glass. "I think we've danced around the issue of Anna for too long, and now she's coming to visit our daughter in two days. What are we going to do?" "What would you like us to do? We can't stop them from seeing each other. We promised them both that they could see each other." "But our search for information regarding Anna has turned up nothing. We still don't have a clue who this girl is or what she wants. It's like she never existed, and still doesn't exist. I still think the Lone Gunmen are hiding something about her." Mulder sighed. They had had this argument before. Scully insisted that the Lone Gunmen must know more about Anna than they were telling either of them. She pointed to the fact that Anna showed up last time just a few hours after Scully had asked Frohike to put the word out that she and Mulder were looking for Anna. "You know, I never thought of this before," Scully said, "but when Anna showed up here that night, she never said anything about Emily being sick, only that she had heard that we were looking for her. Almost like she had overheard the conversation between Frohike and I and knew it wasn't true. You don't suppose that could be true?" Mulder started to open his mouth to say no, but he thought of the blood tests that the Lone Gunmen had done on himself and Emily when she was first returned. The results came back in a matter of minutes over the computer to an anonymous associate of theirs. When Mulder asked them about it, they simply told him it was the wonders of technology at their fingertips. "Scully, it isn't possible to get DNA test results within a few minutes, is it? Even with the most up-to-date computer and software?" "No. Why?" "That's how quickly Emily's DNA results came back when the Lone Gunmen tested us. They must have had the results either ahead of time or." "Their associate did. What if that person was Anna? She would be able to gain access to that information ahead of time." "But that also means that the Lone Gunmen knew about Emily before either one of us and never told me." "I think we need to give them a call and get them over here now." Frohike, Langley, and Byers, The Lone Gunmen, showed up a few hours later after Emily had gone to bed. They glanced around the living room. It was apparent they knew what they had been called to answer for. "We heard that Anna was coming back into town, Mulder," Frohike said, breaking the silence that had abounded the room. "I assume that's what you want to talk about?" "Who let you know that she was coming back to town? Was it Anna? How long have you known her? Since the beginning?" Mulder exploded. Scully placed her hand on his arm to calm him down. The Lone Gunmen looked at each other, trying to decide how to answer. "You see, Mulder." Langley started, but Frohike stopped him. "No, let me do this. I was the one who dragged you guys into this mess. I've known Anna for about two years now. She showed up at a conference that I was attending. She said she was looking especially for me because of my connection to you, Mulder. I was weary at first, but she had anticipated that. Anna told me about the group that she was involved in, The Lost Generation. We had heard rumors about the group before, but had never met anyone from there. They're a very secretive group. Anna told me about the experiments of the children; details that we didn't have a clue existed. Anna also brought documentation to back it up. She's a wizard at breaking into computer systems. Anna asked that I keep her a secret from anyone else for awhile. I agreed, after all, she was only a kid. We exchanged e-mails for the next year, and every once in awhile she would give me information about something I was working on. About six months before Emily was returned to you, Anna came to see me once again. She said she had important information for you, Mulder. She told me about Emily, how the group had saved her, and how she had raised her. Anna then told me that Emily was your biological daughter. She said that it was nearing the time for Emily to be returned to you and that she needed my help. She made me promise not to tell anyone what she had told me, including Langley and Byers. Anna stopped contact until a few days until Emily was returned. She sent me an e-mail telling me that it was time to tell Langley and Byers about the situation and that when Emily was returned she needed our help to convince Mulder immediately that Emily was his. She promised that any tests we did after that would confirm that Emily was yours. So we made up a new informant and the tests in order to help Anna. It was Anna who was sending information back to us that day. We did do the tests later on with the samples that we took from you and Emily and everything that Anna had claimed is true." Mulder sat quietly in the chair. He seemed to be at a loss of words. Scully looked at him briefly before turning her attention to Frohike. "That night that I went to you and asked you to put a word out for Anna because Emily needed her, that night, she was there, wasn't she?" "Yeah, she was there. She was in the back room and overheard the entire conversation." "How much else does she know?" Scully asked. "I don't know. I haven't told her anything about either one of you, but she seems to know it anyway. She's never asked for any information on you either. I don't think she needs to." Frohike looked at Mulder who had a look of utter disgust on his face. Frohike felt anger rip through his body. He thought he had done the best could with the situation that had presented itself to him. "Do you know what would have happened if I had told you Mulder? Anna would have taken off with Emily and never returned. The only thing you would have been left with was a story that I told you about Emily. A story that claimed she was still alive and she was your biological daughter. You wouldn't have Emily here with you today. All of this had to be Anna's way and on Anna's terms, or it would have been nothing at all. It still has to be that way. As much as you hate it, Anna holds all the cards." Mulder nodded, conceding to what Frohike had just argued. "You're right. I believe you did the best you could with the facts you had. And you're right about Anna; she holds all the cards. I just have one more question. What do you know about Emily's claim that Anna's her sister?" "Nothing more then what Emily told you. Anna has never discussed her past, as far as personal experience. She has never talked about her family either. Anna never told me that Emily was her sister. She never told me much about Emily at all. I never saw Emily until the day you brought her in. I believed that Anna wouldn't lie to me and that's why I trusted her with the Emily situation. And I believe completely that she doesn't lie to Emily. I just don't know about the rest of the world." "But you can't know for sure that Anna doesn't lie to Emily," Scully said. Frohike nodded in agreement, "No, I can't know for sure. If Anna contacts me before Friday, I'll be sure to tell her that you want to speak to her. She probably won't contact me though." "Why?" Mulder asked. "I told you, she just knows things, and if I talked to you about her, she won't come and see me because she'll know I'll tell you that she's in town," Frohike replied. Mulder looked doubtful. "Mulder, I love that girl like she's my little sister, but I also value our friendship. And if she truly is your daughter, I have to believe that you know what's best for her. So if talking with her is what you want, I'll try to do whatever I can to see that it happens." "Thank you," Scully said. She led the Lone Gunmen to the door. "He'll be able to get past this, won't he?" Frohike asked Scully. She turned to look at Mulder sitting on the couch. His face was buried in his hands. "I think he will. It will take some time though." Frohike nodded and closed the door. Scully returned to the living and sat down next to Mulder. "Frohike's right, you know. He really didn't have much of a choice." Mulder didn't respond. "Mulder, what if Anna is our daughter? What happens then?" "How can she be our daughter, Scully? The girl is at least seventeen years old if not older. We haven't known each for that long. And while my family has been involved with the government for much longer then that, you weren't, and neither was your family." "She could be a clone." "There wasn't a cyst on the back of her neck. I checked when she came that night." "Maybe they found a way to age-progress people. Maybe she's only a few years old." "Maybe," he thought it over. Scully backed down. "No, she couldn't be. Frohike's known her for a few years and she hasn't significantly aged in that time period. It doesn't make sense to stop her in her teens. Which leads us to one of two possibilities, either she truly is our daughter or she lied to Emily." "But why would she lie to Emily about that and tell her the truth about everything else?" "I don't know. Maybe she hasn't or maybe it was the only way to get Emily to trust her or maybe." "Or maybe Anna wasn't lying and she is our daughter somehow." "But how?" "I don't know, but Anna does. I guess we'll have to wait until Friday to find out." They looked at each and sighed, before sitting back on the couch to watch the end of Jay Leno. Neither one of them noticed a small figure stand up from her position behind the doorway and walk upstairs. The subject of Anna, who she was or anything about her visit, was not discussed the next day by either Mulder or Scully. Even Emily, who had been so excited to see Anna again, never mentioned Anna or her visit, although Emily seemed to have more energy then normal. She nearly dropped two plates and broke a glass while she was helping her mother with the dishes. It took Mulder and Scully over an hour to get Emily to bed. Success came only after Mulder agreed to read her a bedtime story. Scully sat in the kitchen with a cup of tea, waiting for Mulder to come in. "She's lying down with her eyes close, but I don't think she's anywhere near to falling asleep," Mulder said, walking into the room. "She didn't mention Anna all day," Scully replied. "Don't you think that's weird? She was so excited about Anna's visit and now the day before it happens, she doesn't say a word about it. You don't think she heard us talking last night, do you?" "No, she was sleeping. Emily probably just picked up on our general distrust of Anna and decided not to say anything about it." "I wish we could have known what Anna was writing to Emily, but I wouldn't read Emily's private things." "We couldn't have even if we wanted to. Emily has a lock of some sort on her e-mails." Scully looked at him sideways for a few seconds. "You tried to read her e-mail?" "Only once. I was curious about what they were saying." Scully shook her head. She opened her mouth to say more, but a knock on the door stopped her. Mulder hurried out of the room to answer it. "Scully, I think you should come here," Mulder called from the front door. Scully walked into the living room expecting to find a door-to-door salesman. Instead, she found Anna waiting in the doorway. Scully looked at Mulder, not sure what to say or do. "I decided it would be better to answer your questions before I saw Emily. I think it will put your minds at a slightly better ease. And I won't have it hanging over my head during our visit," Anna said. "Emily e-mailed me about the doubts that the two of you were having." Mulder glanced at Scully briefly. Emily had overheard their conversation. "Uh, come on in. We can go into the kitchen," Scully offered. She noticed the backpack that Anna was wearing. "You can leave that by the door if you want." Anna protectively touched her backpack. "That's all right. I like to keep it with me." Scully and Mulder lead Anna into the kitchen. Scully offered her a cup of tea, but Anna refused. Anna sat uncomfortable in her seat. "I guess the first thing I should tell you is that my name is Anna and I'm seventeen years old. I don't officially have a last name, per se, but if you follow the traditional rule of last names, it should be Mulder." "Seventeen?" Scully said. "You've had Emily since you were fourteen?" "Yes," Anna replied, "but I wasn't your typically fourteen year old." "You're not Samantha's daughter, are you?" Mulder asked. Anna shook her head and sighed a little. "No, Samantha is not my mother, biologically or otherwise." Mulder was beginning to become impatient. He just wanted Anna to come out and be straight with them. He couldn't understand why she was dragging her feet when she knew it was inevitable that they would find out who she truly was. "Who are your parents?" He added, "Biologically." "Those are the only types of parents that I have," Anna said, but she knew she would have to tell them. "You are my biological parents; both of you." "How?" "Any seventh grade biology student can tell you. When a female's egg is combined with male sperm." Anna trailed off when she saw the look of annoyance on Mulder's face. "Eighteen years ago, during a seemingly routine visit to your gynecologist, Dr. Dirkheimer, several of your ova were extracted without your knowledge. Several months later, one of those eggs was combined with your sperm and created me. They had gotten the sperm from another `routine' visit to your doctor." "Why her? I can understand my part in all of this. That would be because of my father and his involvement with the project, but why Scully? They couldn't possibly have suspected she would someday join the FBI and be partnered up with me." "Not exactly. But somebody did. Agent Scully when your father, when he was out to sea in the early eighties, there was a time of about five weeks that you didn't hear from him, and no matter who asked, he wouldn't say anything about it. Your father had discovered a crashed UFO in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, along with a dying extraterrestrial. The alien told your father everything he knew about the project and the planned Armageddon. Then he implanted a catch of sorts into your father's head so that they couldn't erase the memory of what he seen and what he had been told. Then the alien died. Your father was too well known and too well liked by certain people to be killed and they couldn't erase his memory, so they blackmailed him instead. That's why I was created. It was the perfect way to keep both of your fathers quiet. Samantha was eighteen then and was free to live her life. They couldn't hold that over your father's head anymore, Agent Mulder. But a grandchild, that would give them at least another eighteen years of silence. And it wasn't a freak accident or a simple twist of fate that brought you two together. There were forces, people, who pushed the two of you together for years. They molded you without your knowledge so that in the end, you would have no choice but to join the FBI and later become partners." "My father hated the idea that I would join the FBI, though," Scully said. Anna nodded and smiled as if remembering a memory. "Yeah, he did, but he knew he didn't have a choice, and he knew that his disapproval would be the final push to get you into the academy. He always talked about how stubborn and rebellious you could be and how much you were like him, and like me." "What do you mean, he talked about me? Did you talk to him?" "Talk to him? He helped to raise me, along with my Grandpa Mulder. I told you that they knew about me from the very beginning. They demanded that I be part of their lives. They knew the right connections, the right people to make that it happened. I was a month old when my Grandpa Mulder saw me for the first time and I was nearly two months old when Grandpa Scully saw me." "Where? Where did all of this take place?" "I was created in Pennsylvania, most of the children are, and I lived in a nursery until I was about eighteen months old. That's not the normal procedure for any of us. Once we are created, we are put up for adoption, but we are only given to couples who agree to their terms, which include what areas of the country to live in and which doctors to go to. The couples are given basic information and a basic fear that keeps them in line. They know enough to not seek more. The entire process usually takes about three weeks." "But you stayed at the nursery until you were a year and a half old. Why?" Mulder asked. "Because I was the grandchild of William Mulder and William Scully and I needed to be watched carefully. They couldn't risk turning me over into the general populous. I was never to be given up for adoption. Besides, my grandfathers wanted to be part of my life. They wanted me to know some sort of family, and since I couldn't be with my. if I couldn't be with you, then it would have to come from them." Scully shifted in her seat. "What happened after that?" "I was taken to a compound in California and integrated into a special part of the project. They called us the Hope Children after one of the developers of the project. We were supposed to be the members of a special council that would lead earth to overcome its alien invaders. And if that proved to be unattainable, we were to make the transition as easy as possible for the world, to be the ambassadors for both worlds. We can't get sick from the virus that will one day be unleashed unto the earth. We are alien-human hybrids and the virus is ineffective on us. Emily has the same protection, but everybody else, they don't stand a chance. The vaccine they have is weak and it doesn't work on everybody. There's not enough of it either." "I don't understand," Mulder said. "If you, and Emily, are alien- human hybrids, how can you have two earth parents?" "How can you be our father?" Anna clarified. Mulder nodded. "They don't combine the DNA of a human woman with that of a male alien. It didn't work. They form a completely human child and in the third week of development introduce alien DNA. That caused the cyst on the back of Emily's neck. It's the only way to ensure that we will be inoculated from the virus, like I said the vaccine for humans is very weak. They need us to survive this Armageddon. The only way to ensure that we will survive is to take us to the brink of death with alien DNA. In order to keep it from killing us, they have to inject us with a special vaccine, like the ones you found in the nursing home, the ones for Emily." "But you said Emily was cured and we haven't given her shots the entire time she's been with us." Anna seemed to grow impatient. "Emily is cured. The shots they gave Emily, and the ones they give most of the kids, are weak forms of the vaccine. Those ones can't cure us. But in strong doses, applied vigorously, it can. They don't cure many of the children in order to control the parents and keep track of the progression of the children. I was cured almost immediately after I was born. It was another `perk' of being my grandfathers' grandchild." "How does your group fit into all of this?" "The group, The Lost Generation, we are all former children of these experiments, but Frohike told you that already. We take these children from the compounds or from their families and cure them. If it's all right for them to go back, we send them to their families where they belong. The children who can't return stay with us permanently. We don't kidnap the kids; we make their parents a deal. We'll the cure the kids, and keep them out of the project in exchange for their silence. Most of these parents come to us now. Emily's adoptive mother did not come to us. I went to her. I knew she was tired of the tests on Emily and I told her I could stop them and the treatments for Emily. I asked her to give Emily to me because I could keep her safe and take her back to her biological mother. She agreed. But she told Emily that Emily wouldn't have go through anymore tests. Emily told her doctor and that's when they killed Mrs. Sim. I would have cured Emily even if Mrs. Sim wouldn't have given her to me. I have never turned my back on one of these children." "I don't understand why Mrs. Sim would give Emily to a stranger, especially one who was only fourteen years old," Scully said, her voice choking up. "We weren't strangers. I had known the Sims' since they had taken Emily home. I have known Emily since the minute she was born. I was the first person in this world to hold her. I named her Emily Christine after me. My middle name is Emily. I thought this way we always be connected. I was with her all the time, feeding her and changing her and playing with her, as much as you can when they're so young. I wanted to send her home to you. I begged Grandpa Mulder to send her home," Anna's voice sped up and began to rock gently. "I didn't want her to be raised like me. I didn't want her alone. At least I had my grandfathers. But they wouldn't let me send her home. When she was two weeks old, they told me that they were sending Emily to live with another family. I begged Grandpa to keep her with me. Over and over I begged, but he just kept saying that he couldn't. I can understand now that he really couldn't, but back then, I hated him for it. He broke down crying when I told him that and still I walked away. They brought the Sims in about a week later to meet Emily. I switched tactics and tried to persuade them to send Emily home. I think this touched Mrs. Sim, but she wanted that baby so badly. They promised to let me see her once month as long as I never told her who I was. What choice did I have, I was only eleven." "And your grandfather, did you make up with him before he died?" Anna wiped away her tears and smiled. "Yeah, I did. He forced me to visit him one day. He apologized for not being able to help. He said he had picked out Emily's adoptive parents because they loved her very much and they would let me visit her. He promised that one day we would all be a family. I told him that I believed him and he died a few months later. I don't think he ever really knew I had forgiven him though" "I just don't understand how my father couldn't tell any of us about this," Scully said. Her hand was covering half of her face. "He didn't have a choice. They've interfered with your family's lives enough already. Imagine what it would have been like if he had told you about the crash or the alien or me." Anna pressed her fingertips together in front of her face. Scully stared at Anna's hands. "You don't believe me. I expected that. It is a fantastic story especially to non-believer such as yourself. That's why I have these." Anna reached into her bag and pulled out several photographs. She handed them to Scully. Scully's eyes grew bigger as she looked through each photo. She handed Mulder one of Anna about five years old sandwiched between her two grandfathers. "Mulder, it's our fathers, together." "Of course, it is possible that I doctored these photos so you're welcome to have them analyzed as long as you give them back in one piece. These photos and my memories are all I have left." Anna erased any emotion from her face as she talked and stiffened her body. "I assume you'll want blood tests to confirm what I've just told you. I'm only in town until Saturday evening so it has to be done soon. I'll be back to see Emily tomorrow. Nine o'clock, okay?" Anna placed the photos back into her pack back. She folded her hands on the table, but looked as if she was preparing to leave. "You're leaving?" Scully asked. She looked confused and scared. Mulder took up the professional stance. "We're not through asking questions." "I'm done answering them. I can't tell you anymore," Anna sounded irritated. Scully placed her hands on Anna's hands. Anna jumped back, startled. Scully's faced was as crushed as Anna's was frightened. Anna stood up quickly. "I have to go." "Wait," Scully began. She grabbed Anna's wrist. Anna struggled to free herself. "Please, I have to go. Let me go." Scully searched Anna's face. Anna turned and pleaded to Mulder with her eyes. Mulder grabbed Scully's arms and released Anna. Anna took off running out the door. "Why did you do that?" Scully yelled at him and ran after Anna. By the time she made it to the front door, Anna was gone. Mulder ran in after Scully. "Scully, she's not your daughter. She's not like Emily. Anna's almost an adult and she doesn't need us like Emily does." "She does need us. She's only a little girl." Tears streamed down Scully's face. "She is my daughter. I may not have known about her, but that doesn't make her any less ours. I saw you in her, Mulder, from the first time I laid eyes on her. I just couldn't place where I had seen that look before. And her hands, they're Melissa's hands. I couldn't stop staring at them. The shape of them and the way she moves them, it's Missy. And did you see her eyes? Those are my father's eyes." "Dana, she's not ours. She has our biological material, but she wasn't raised by us. Anna doesn't know us and we don't know her. We have to give her time." Scully nodded and wiped away her tears. "Do you, um, do you think she'll be back for Emily in the morning." "Yeah, I do. I don't think she'd let Emily down because of an argument with us." He kissed Scully's forehead and hugged her for a long time as she unleashed a whole new set of tears. "Mommy?" Emily said quietly, walking into the room. Emily stood timidly in front of her. Scully held Emily's hands. Emily smiled at her, although she had obviously been crying. "Mommy, Anna loves you, she does. She just has a hard time showing it." Scully smiled at her and hugged her. "Thank you, baby. I love you." "I love you too." Scully woke up the next morning to find herself fully dressed and on the couch with Mulder lying next to her. Neither one of them had made it to bed last night. Emily was shaking her. "Mommy, get up. Anna will be here soon." Emily was saying. Scully looked at her watch and jumped up when she noticed that it was about ten minutes to nine. "Mulder, Mulder wake up." Scully shook him. "Mulder, Anna's going to be here soon to take Emily." Mulder groaned slightly and sat up. Emily jumped onto his lap. Scully stumbled into the kitchen to make coffee. Scully handed Mulder a cup of coffee a few minutes later as there was a knock on the door. "Anna!" Emily shouted and ran to the door. It was Anna. Emily gave her a big hug. "Anna, I knew you would come back!" Scully smiled cautiously at Anna, who weakly smiled back. She looked as if she hadn't slept all night and seemed paler then before. "Go grab your jacket, Munchkin, and we'll get going." Anna looked at Mulder. "I'll have her back by six, okay? That way, she can eat dinner here without me interfering too much in her nightly routine." "Okay," Mulder agreed. Emily ran back into the room. "Ready?" "Ready," Anna replied. Emily kissed her parents and she and Anna left. "Do you think we should be worried?" Scully asked. "No," Mulder replied. "I think we should head back to bed." Shortly before six o' clock, Anna walked Emily down Emily's street towards her house. Emily, although holding tightly onto Anna's hand, was skipping. Anna looked tired and worried in the dusky light, a fact that did not allude Emily. "Anna? Do you think you could stay a few days?" she asked. "No, Munchkin. It's time for me to go back," Anna replied. Emily threw her hand away from Anna's and stopped dead in her tracks. "No, Anna, no! I want you to stay with me. Mommy wants you to stay with too. I heard her talking last night." "Munchkin, they are not my parents, I can't stay with them. I have things to do. I can't stay with you. That's why I brought you back to them." "They are your parents, Anna. You told them so last night." "Emily, they are your parents because they love you and they are raising you. I'm done being raised. I'm all grown up and I did it without them. I love you and I will always love you, but your mom and dad, they don't know me and I don't know them. That's just the way things are." Emily pouted. "I don't care if you get mad at me, Munchkin, but that's the way things are. "Emily, I love you very much. But I'm only your sister. And every sister grows up and moves away from her brothers and sisters. That's why your mom doesn't live with your uncles. I promised that I would come back and visit. And I will. Okay?" Emily looked at her sadly. "Okay." They walked in silence the rest of the way home. Scully was there to greet them at the door. Emily hugged her and went to sit on Mulder's lap. Scully ushered Anna inside, but Anna refused to sit down preferring to stand near the door. Always prepared for a fast getaway, Scully thought to herself. She turned to Emily. "How was your day?" "It was all right," Emily shrugged. She refused to look at Anna and went to stand by her mother instead. Anna studied Emily with a hard look. "Emily's a little mad at me. She doesn't understand that I have to go, that I don't belong here." Scully looked at Mulder. "Of course you belong here," she replied, "we're your family." Anna looked at Mulder also. She seemed to once again be pleading with him for help. This time though he felt a strong connection with her. Mulder wasn't sure where it had come from. Maybe all the information about Anna and who she was had finally sunk in. But there was something else. He felt a kinship with her. She was out there searching for truth, just as he always was. And she had lost her sister like he had lost his. Maybe it wasn't in the same way, but the hurt was there just the same. Mulder wanted to take the hurt away from this girl, his daughter. For the first time, he said it in his head and meant it. And it left him very confused about what he should do. Mulder smiled softly at Anna, but shrugged his shoulders slightly to tell her he didn't know how to help her. Anna set her face so that it showed no emotion and turned away from Mulder. She never responded to Scully's comment. "We want you to spend a few weeks with us here so that we can get to know you," Scully continued. "You can get to know us too." "I don't know if I can," Anna replied and took two tiny steps backwards. "I have things. I can't leave. I need to. I." Anna's voice trailed off. She didn't know how much to tell or where to even begin. "Surely, there's some way you can spend a few weeks with us," Scully pushed. "Even two. They must be able to get along without you for that long." "But I." Anna started to protest. She stopped when she saw Mulder rise from his seat. Anna watched him come closer with wide eyes. Mulder placed his hands on her shoulders. She didn't jump like she had the other night when Scully touched her. Scully closed her eyes briefly trying to push down the jealousy that had arisen within her. "We really want you to stay," was all he said. He released his hands. Anna continued to stare into his face unsure of how to react. She looked over at Scully who was smiling. Anna could see hurt in her eyes. She had to get. Ring! Anna jumped as her cell phone rang. She turned it on staring at Mulder the entire time. "Yes? Are you sure? Okay. IV two weeks. Yes. Thank you." Anna hung up the phone. "Well?" Mulder asked, his eyes full of anticipation. "Two weeks," Anna whispered. Mulder broke into a huge grin. He turned to Scully who looked like she was ready to burst with joy. "We have her for two weeks." He went to hug Scully. Emily hugged her mother too. She seemed to be slightly jealous of the closeness between Mulder and Anna. Anna stood there with a small smile on her face. She seemed to be taking the entire scene in. Mulder grinned at her. "Two weeks." She smiled back. But what happens then, she thought to herself. THE END Author's notes: I know this one is a little short, but it's more of a `tweener' piece then anything else. I have a lot more planned for Anna and the Mulders'. As I continue to write these stories, I find I like them more and more. Please excuse any discrepancies found! And PLEASE e-mail me with comments at teahater@hotmail.com. Thanks for reading!