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Monsoons at Capitol Hill
By Zareen Rana

  Islamabad - the beautiful federal capital, one of the most beautiful ones in the world. But fame doesnot come easy for this small city, often regarded as sleeping-city by many of its critics.

Everyone just compares Islamabad to Lahore or Karachi, as most of the residents have migrated from there or are in Islamabad for work.. comparing it to places back home only makes you more confused.. we suggest you take Islamabad in its own right.. open up to the serene soothing environ, take a deep breath, take it slowly.. it wont be long you before you fall in love with this place...

Have you noticed that the weather in Islamabad is really getting awesome these days.. its not been like this for a couple of years.. or maybe our small city has quitely grown into this excitingly wonderful place we never thought it was.. or maybe its just the general mood these days which has forced me to take refuge in this heavenly enchanting environment of our lush green capital.

Monsoons have surely brought a well needed pleasant change which just forces you to get out there and spend your afternoons window-shopping in the malls, having a quick snack was never easier as KFC is now in town..oo yeah! and most of all.. just stroll along the huge avenues or spend a quite afternoon in your lawn chatting with guests.. the weather surely drives you along.

And with such great weather comes equally good music.. lots of thanks to Junaid Jamshed for the latest album with such cool light numbers that you wont even know how time passed by.. one of my favourites is ofcourse Dil ki Baat.. turn on the song and cruise along..

and if thats all not enough.. the Rawal Dam finally got to brim-ful..thank God for that.. its time to get that old sail boat out and running again.. afternoons dont last long when you are on one of these pretty things!

One of my favourtie outdoor activities is to go for riding.. and that too in this weather.. totally exhilarating when you gallop along the lake path.. makes me feel like flying! Another one would be to drive up the margallas to a breath-taking view of the twin cities from the top while enjoying sumptuous chicken tikka.. ahh mouth-watering indeed!

So if you even managed to do all that in a day.. this calls out for a lavish dinner served in a dozen courses.. maybe we cant afford all that Serena glitz every night but can surely force mom or wifey rite!



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