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Today, May 7th, 2001, is Owen Hart's birthday. I hope that all the wrestling fans out there & even some that aren't would remember him this day. Also the two year anniversary of his tragic death is coming up May 23th, 2001. This is the day before my prom & for me personaly it will be a sad day.

Owen Hart was an incrediable man. His wrestling skills were the greatest, and he was befriended by every wrestler in the World Wrestling Federation. My condolences go out to the Hart Family. I only wish that I would have had the pleasure of meeting Owen. From everything that the WWF wrestlers have said about Owen, you can tell that he was one of the greats. The youngest of 7 children, who entered into professional wrestling. Owen was a father, brother, uncle, son, and husband.

Owen died during his ring enterance as "The Blue Blazer". He fell from 50 ft. in the air onto the turnbucle. He was dead on arrivel at the hospital. Wrestlers are athletes NOT stunt men. It is a great loss of a fine athlete. He loved being in the ring & I guess you could say it was kind of ironic that he died in the ring. The only thing I know is that it was a tragity that should have never happened.

Owen got along with one & all. He was the funniest man any of the wrestlers had ever met. But like most of them have said, Owen is in a better place. I know that we shall see him again. God only knows when we will see him again.

"If the legacy of a man's life is measured by the lives he's touched and how much he is loved, then a big piece of Owen Hart will live on."


