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Lost Journey

By Android

Reviewed by: DNA Error

What can I say about it, execept there wasn't much of one. We are given a brisk overview of the characters then pushed into the plot with no explanation. I was left wondering who or where I was and weather I should care.

This is where the best and worst of the game goes though. The best is the complex character tiles……They looked like they where from a another game but I couldn't put my finger on what one. However, the tilesets are a random and jumbled disarray of other tilesets, they don't work together very well and that damned blue hue everywhere….if you gonna make a game…learn to get rid of the blue before I come down I hurt you.

I wish there was a story here….buried underneath the poor graphics as bad dialogue was some kind of story….but it came over fuzzy and unfocused with only the most minimal amount of storytelling. I stopped playing after 30 minutes for sheer lack of interest in it.

Uck. Same old monster tiles and same old backgrounds. If I see these again I'm going to burn the gamedisks to the ground. The battles where unbalanced, too easy or too damn hard…just more pressing "action" button.

The music was a lot of ascii defaults and rips from other games…no effort there. The game as a whole is more of an alpha then a beta, poorly constructed, short, boring, and it's only virtue being cool character tiles

D/L it, but just to steal the character tiles. Overall rateing: D

Grading scale
A= Good game, High standards.
B= Above average game. Lots of time and effort put into here.
C= An average game, not too good, but not too bad.
D= Must not be talented in the art of RPG Making.
F= I'd rather be ground up into little pieces than play this game.