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How to Book a Dry Bones Show

 If you are interested in booking one of our productions, or have any other questions about Dry Bones, please call Jim Liddle at (412) 322-2372 or send email to us including your phone number. We have to confirm all performances by phone.

Once you book a show, Dry Bones takes care of most of the details. Dry Bones handles all props, staging, transportation and provides the host organization with originals of flyers and bulletin inserts. On request, Dry Bones will place notices of the event in several city papers as well as this web sight. The host organization is in charge of arranging the seating and handling local publicity, such as putting bulletin inserts in bulletins and posting notices in local stores.

Productions for churches and non profit organizations can be financed in two different ways. The usual method is to charge admission. For year round productions, our standard admission fee is:

$7 Adult

$5 Senior citizen/student

$3 Child under 12.

Special shows entail more expenses than our year round shows. Therefore our prices for special shows are slighly higher:

$10 Adult

$7 Senior citizen/student

$5 Child under 12.

Some churches, however, do not want to charge admission to church functions. In these cases our productions can be done for a set fee as follows:

Year Round Shows

Full Show (90 minutes) $300

Half Show (45 minutes) $200

After Dinner (15-20 minutes) $100

Special Shows

Full Show (90 minutes) $350

Half Show (45 minutes) $200

The cost for stand-up and improv comedy varies depending on the number of comedians and the length of the show. All prices are open to negotiation.

Please note that the above rates are for churches, social organizations and non-profit groups. Our rates for corporate and private events may be higher. All performance rates are open to negotiation.