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I started this website as sort of a resource/info guide for punks and/or anyone else just looking to expand their horizons. I also enjoy writing quite a bit, so I have a section for that also. Writing for me is an outlet as well as a way to invoke thought and communication amongst other people. If you have anything you would like me to add(links, info, art, writing) please feel free to email me. Other than that, enjoy!.

On its own, punk rock is nothing more than another mere subculture kept alive by teenage rebellion and a contempt for authority. But when added with anarchism(anarcho-punk I prefer to call it), punk becomes a realthreat. A threat to what? A threat to the establishment that dictates every aspect of your life . Athreat to the traditioal morals and values that most of use have had pushed in our faces since birth. Togethor, thru communication, and getting our message out to as many people as possible, we have a chance at social-political change. Many people say that is not so, that we are wasting our time. This very well may be true also, but, would you rather passively sit in the boat that is taking you away, or would you rather at least try and knock the fucking thing over? Together we must unite ONE STRUGGLE, ONE FIGHT!

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