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My Views

My Views

Welcome to my page where I get to tell the world what I think about certain topics and issues. Matters that will appear on this page are very important and need to be addressed, in my opinion. I'm only 17 years old, but know too much about some things. Here are my opinions. E-mail me with responses and your views.

Friends: I think that friends are some of the most important people in your life. They are there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on. They are there for you when you need a helping hand. They are there to give you advice when things in your life go wrong. They are there for you through thick and thin, in good times and in bad times. There is a quote I like very much. I'm not sure who wrote it, but it goes, "Friends are the flowers that bloom in life's garden." That's how I view friends. Friends are the people you can count on in life, who will always be just a phone call away, ready to help in any way, shape, or form, who you can trust and tell your deepest, darkest secrets to. Everyone needs a friend in life. Hold on to them forever! Never stay mad at your friends, for one day, it may be too late to apologize. I found out the hard way. I'm so sorry Alan. I miss you!

Family: My family is very important to me. They are always there for me and help to pick me up whenever I stumble and fall. My mom is my best friend. She chose to have me even though my father left when I was just a child. She has raised me on her own and I really respect her for that. I look up to my mom. My family has a very strong bond. We always lend helping hands and give what we can. We know we can count on each other for help, even if we can't count on anyone else. My uncle was in a really bad car accident and almost lost his life. Ever since then, I believe that my family grew even closer together, if that's possible. We are a very tight family and bend over backwards for each other. I wish that everyone could have a family like mine!

School: I think that school puts many pressures on teenagers. We are expected to get good grades and do well, even if the teachers do a poor job of teaching us how. We are supposed to get involved in activities and things other than school, but most of us don't have the time. We spend HOURS doing homework each night, just to be told the next day that we did it all wrong. We don't get the credit we deserve. We are slaves of the educational system. "Do your homework!" they all tell us. But do they do theirs? No, they just correct them and yell at us because we got it wrong and it took them longer to correct. Well, excuse us. We can't help it that you can't teach!

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