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Look deep, deep inside and you will find a place of anger, vengeance, and brutality. Go there. It is your last hope to conquer the truly wicked.

There are men among us...who have abilities that make them capapble of things only imagined by the minds eye. These men have alway's saw it fit to battle...It was there outlet...It was a way for them to see who's Supreme. Over the years they have aquired many enemies, and like-wise they have gained many allies. They have watched men and women battle to the death. You all have never witnessed a group of people so powerful..That just a mention of there names strike paralyzing fear into the hearts of all. They were once known as the Clansmen the Fabled Japo-Clan...However times have changed, and with it so has the group...Now they are more powerful than ever. These men all with similar intentions...have been destined to battle. They are... A society within a Society...Known as...THE LORDS OF THE RING...THE...

Now I argue this upon ye all. If thou is't ready for the awakening of the new age enter into the halls of Avalon and discover the secrets that are layed before thee!

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