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Shan Yu


1.Short vert line T=> B
2.Angled line L => R => B
3.Short horiz line L => B
What you have just written is the character “ko” meaning “mouth”! :)
4 – 6. Same as steps 1-3
7. Vert line T => B
8. Angled line L=>R=>B
when you write this, make sure it is below in the center; don’t close this box quite yet!
9. Horiz line start at midpoint of line 7, L=>R
10. Horiz line closes figure L =>R
11. Horiz line L => R
this line should be longer than the last one you wrote
12. Vert line start at midpoint of line 8 T=>B thru figure and line 11.

Got it? Yay! You’re halfway thru! (yeah, I know, these are rather asinine comments)


1.Horiz line L=>R
2.Horiz line below line 1 L=>R
Line 2 MUST be longer than line 1
3.Vert line start at midpoint of line 1 and continues T=> B; end with a hook that goes up left

So, what you’ve written should look something like this:

And if not….well, practice DOES make perfect. :)

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