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Hua Mulan

Hua (“flower”)
I’m very well aware of the ongoing debate whether or not this was her family name or not but just for the heck of it, why don’t we write it anyways? :)

1. Short horiz line L=>R
2. Short vert slant line T=>B; L=>R
3. Short horiz line L=>R
4. Short vert slant line T=>B; R=>L (this is the heading “grass”)
5. Slant line T=>B; R=>L;
6. Start at middle of slant line, vert line T=>B DO NOT INTERSECT VERT SO SEGEMENT IS ABOVE SLANT LINE
7. Angled curved line T=> B=> R=> hook up; this is one smooth curved stroke, there should not be a sharp corner

Mu (“wood”)

1. Horiz line L=>R
2. Vert line start above horiz and thru below, end w/ hook up to left
3. Slant line start at lower left intersection of lines R=>L
4. Slant line start at lower right intersection of lines L=>R


Part I : here we write “grass” and “doors” :) (good god I sound so inane!)
1. Short horiz line L=>R
2. Short vert slant line T=>B; L=>R
3. Short horiz line L=>R
4. Short vert slant line T=>B; R=>L
5. Angled stroke L=> R=> B
6. Horiz line underneath first section of angled stroke L=>R ends at mdpt of line 5
7. Horiz line underneath line 6 meet end at line 5
8. Vert line with hook from beginning of line 5 and hooking up to the right
9. Angled stroke T=> B=> R
10. Horiz line from midpoint of 1st section line 9 L=>R
11. Horiz line start from top of line 9; L=> R
12. Vert line start from end of line 11; T=>B with hook up to left

Part II

13. Horiz line beneath doors; L=>R
14. Vert line slightly slanted right; L=>R
15. Angled stroke start from beginning of line 14; L=>R=>B
16. Slanted stroke left side of box; T=>B; L=>R
17. Slanted stroke right side of box; T=>B; R=>L
18. Close box w/ horiz line L=>R
19. Vert line start above the box and divides it into halves T=>B; end with hook up to left
20. Slanted stroke start on line 19 below box left side, R=>L
21. Slanted stroke start on line 19 below box right side, L=>R

Congrats! You’ve written my name! Just kidding. :) Here’s a handwritten example:

How to Write Names

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