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Confederate Cavalry Commanders

Major-General James Ewell Brown Stuart,

Chief of cavalry of the army of Northern Virginia, was born in Patrick county, Va., February 6, 1833.

May 11th,1864 he received a wound from which he died at Richmond on the following day.

For more detailed information about Stuart Click Here

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Born: Chapel Hill, Tennessee, July 13, 1821

Died: Memphis, Tennessee, October 29, 1877

Uneducated but not illiterate, Nathan Bedford Forrest
was a natural tactician who earned the praise of his enemies.

For more detailed information about Forrest Click Here

Brig. Gen. John D. Imboden.

Born near Staunton, Virginia on January 16, 1823

Imboden died there on August 15, 1895. He is buried in the general's section of Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond.

For more detailed information about Imboden Click Here