The Nazi Head
Last September (2006), I was invited as a guest to attend the Allegheny Defense Projects annual Fall Gathering. I found out about the location a few days before the event and decided to check it out, to scout for a good camping area.
The road they (the ADP) chose (fs 267), was in the process of being heavily developed by an oil operation. Near the end of the road, I came across a tractor with quite the "decoration" taped to the front of it. It was a womans manikin head with a Nazi symbol on her forehead and a bullet in her mouth! The tractor was parked near where a trail crosses the road and it was parked facing the hiking trail. Needless to say I was appalled by the disgusting and obscene display. I photographed the "Nazi Head" and reported it first to the people at the ANF. Very unfortunately, I got a call back a few days later from the Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) Mr Will Novitski (sp?). He told me the display was a matter of "freedom of speech" and the tractor operator was allowed to display this disgusting obscene decoration. That is just great! Our Governor is spending millions of our tax dollars to invite citizens from all over the country to visit North Western Pennsylvania to see the "Pennsylvania Wilds" and they are greeted (along a hiking trail) by something like this! I sent the following letter to the Governors office, the Allegheny Vacation Bureau, Kathleen Morse (ANF) and the state attorneys office, as well as others, asking what could be done about this. Even though the LEO at the ANF told me they could do nothing, a few days later I got a phone call telling me the "Nazi Head" was removed. Unfortunately the Nazi head was still "on display" during the ADP Fall Gathering just yards up the road from where this tractor was parked. I couldn't help but notice a truck parked on the same road a few yards up that had an ad on the back that said: "Preston People - We make the difference". Some difference! Was it a "Preston People" that made this vulgar, disgusting display? And that was not the worst thing to happen during the Fall Gathering!
Here's the pics:
![]() The Nazi Head (note the bullet in her mouth)
Detained and run off the road!
During the Fall Gathering I took the group to Rim Rock to do some rock climbing and cave exploring. On the way back and forth from the camp site we noticed the signs were torn down and re-located. On the way back to the camp one trip I was blocked in a driveway by a guy who demanded to know who I was and what I was doing there, on public property! He blocked my car and wouldn't let me out. Cathy Pedler backed up the road, and he finally moved his truck and let me go. But he followed us, stooped while Cathy re-hung some signs and he followed us back to the group camp area and even pulled in behind us and then just sat there in our camp area for several minutes before leaving. I did get the chance to photo not only him, but his truck as Cathy hung signs and when I took my camera out he gave me the middle finger. I decided not to camp a second night and when I left camp hours later the same truck was in the middle of the road where 267 joined 59, just stopped in the middle of the road, and when I was near the intersection, the truck charged right at me as fast as he could, forcing me into the ditch. I was barely able to recover, and made it to 59, and never looked back! I wrote a letter about what happened and Cathy filed it with the State Police and the ANF LEO. Even though it was likely the guy worked in that area, apparently the police never went out there and investigated, as we never heard back as to what (if anything) was ever done. I even provided the state police with photos. Seemingly, it's like the wild west out there (in the ANF) and visitors to OUR national forest should steer clear of oil operations! So much for shared use of the forest! Below is the police report that we made.
![]() After I was blocked in and detained by this guy, he followed Cathy and I
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