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MOON The astrological sign assciated with this card is Pisces: psychic, receptive, mysterious. The rune is Lagaz. Notice the Moon embodies all three lunar phases as well as the sun.

A clue to one of the older meanings of this card lies in the fact that there are 15 yods, the numer of the Devil. The Tarot cards were first drawn by men who believed that anything male was good (The Sun), and the opposite or feminine was bad. (The Moon).

I see the Moon as embodying the "good" parts of femininity: intuition, psychic power, access to the subconscious. The pool is the pool of the subconscious. Crawling out of it is a crayfish, the embdiment of the early stages of consciousness unfolding.

The wolf is nature's untamed creation, while the dog is the domestic, tamed version of the wolf. This symbolizes a balance between your "wild" subconscious and your "domesticated" conscious minds.

The path leads between those two towers again, but this time the veil is gone, signifying there is no longer a barrier between your conscious & your subconscious minds. Listen to the voice of intuition.

There are 7 rocks on the stream bank. 3 red (the number of the Divine trinity) plus 4 yellow (4 is the number of stability) Yellow is a masculine color and 7 is the divine number.

The crayfish crawling out of the waters is a good sign to pay attention to your latent psychic powers that are unfolding.