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From Armande
The Knight in tarot is your ideal action hero! He is the generally the go-getther kinda guy. Knights go into the world and discover stuff and do things. Usually it is an exciting card in a reading. It means you can do something and that is very often a relief. Knights do not have the responsibility a King has and therefore by their action they can only gain. In general knights are great allies, they help you cut a path in your process. In some readings they can be an actual person helping you (of course especially in the position of "environment"), but I usually see them as a force that helps you move along.

* Knight of wands.
He is a really sparkly guy, the firey element of the wands gives him an enthusiastic and innovating approach, a great help to get things started.

*Knight of cups.
Logically he is more tuned inward. In terms of emotions, this knight tells you to do something with your feelings. This may not be automatically to act upon them, but at least to look your feelings in the eye so you know where you stand.

*Knight of swords.
This is the most courageous knight, (to boldly go... etc.). This knight can help you come to conclusions and to act upon them. Knight of swords will help you deal with problems and to clear away obstacles (that sword you know) and resolve conflicts. A powerful ally.

*Knight of pentacles.
This guy is active in a maybe boring but very persistant way. He is loyal and patient and will help you finish what you started, diligently. He is very much about fullfilling obligations. Any questions?? Don't hesitate to post!!

Assignment from Prairie:
What a wonderful lesson for the Knights! Thank you, Armande!

Now, for the class assignment:

A woman comes to you for a reading regarding her finances. She has been offered a new job and doesn't know if she should take it or not. You lay out the Celtic Cross:

Significator: QP (Queen Pentacles)
Covers: KnC (Knight Cups)
Crosses: 6P (6 Pentacles)
Below: Hierophant
Behind: KnW (Knight Wands)
Crowns: KnP (Knight Pentacles)
Near future: 8P (8 Pentacles)
Self: 8W (8 Wands)
Others: Empress
Hopes/fears: KnS (Knight Swords)
Final: Sun

What questions would you ask this woman? What advice would you give this woman?

Have fun!

If you have any problems, go to the index and click on the link to the lesson you need. All the card meanings are up on the site, and the Celtic Cross is demonstrated on the Tarot 201 page.

Where to go from here:

Tarot 201 Pages
Tarot 201 Queens
Tarot 201 Kings