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From Prairie:
Here we see the Magician, Hermes, in his other aspect as psychopomp, the guider of the souls after death.

The angel is Gabriel, the same angel that appeared in the Lovers card.

The 7 lines coming from the trumpet are the 7 tones of the Creative Word that liberates Mankind from his worldly lImitations. The solar cross, again, symbolizes balance.

The man symbolizes the conscious mind. The woman is the subconscious. The child represents the regenerative personality.

The sea is the ultimate goal of the stream that began in the High Priestess card.

The snowy mountains in the background represent the spiritual heights that the man, woman and child have striven to attain.

The planetary ruler of this card is Pluto, the ruler of the underworld.

This card can be used as a meditation & visualization tool to help increase your ability to perceive situations from a broad perspective. This is also the symbol to use to increase your ability to judge situations impartially.