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Social Studies Guide: The Early Presidents

I) Washington Administration (1789 - 1797) Vice-President: John Adams
                                                                     Sec. of State: T. Jefferson
                                                                     Sec. of Treasury: A. Hamilton
                                                                     Sec of War:
                                                                    Attorney General:

A) Major Domestic Events:
1) Judiciary Act of 1789 - What did it do? What did it create?

2) Whiskey Rebellion - 1794: Cause - Reaction of Gov't - Reaction of Jeff. Repub.
                                    Location? Was Jefferson's reaction to be expected? Why?
3) Economic Problems
a)Domestic and Foreign Debt - Hamilton's view on honor and respect for U.S. Must pay debts!
                                                Payment of bonds and speculators (do you understand this issue)
                                                Issue of Creation of a U.S. Bank
                                                   1) Strict vs. Loose interpretation of Constitution
                                                       Constitution allowed Congress the powers
                                                        collect taxes, borrow money, pay debt, and
                                                        regulate commerce. Therefore since a bank
                                                        is needed to do these things, through the
                                                        elastic clause, the Congress claims the
                                                        right to build a U.S. Bank. (Would Jefferson agree with this?)

B) Major Foreign Events:
         1) Problem with Citizen Genet:
                a) What was the problem and how was it handled:
                b) With regards to the French Revolution , what policy did Washington declare:
                     How did Genet violate the policy? How did Washington react:

2) Jay Treaty 1795
               a) Background: English had not removed her troops from the Northwest
                   Territory as agreed in the Treaty of Paris. Also she, along with
                   Spain was encouraging the Indians to attack American settlements
                  The purpose was to prevent the westward movement of the U.S.
                  Also the English, ignoring the Proclamation of Neutrality by
                 Washington, were attacking our ships in the West Indies and our
                 sailors were being impressed into the English navy. Ships and
                 cargoes of Americans were being seized and other Americans were
                 being jailed.
             b) Chief Justice John Jay was sent to negotiate with the British in 1794.
                Washington hoped to avoid war with England, but recognized the need of
                the United States to defend its sovereignty.
            c) Talks resulted in a treaty today known as the Jay Treaty. Its provisions are
                as follows:
                       1) British would leave Northwest Territory by 1786.
                       2) American ships under 70 tons could trade with the British West Indies.
                           Cotton, molasses and sugar could not be traded.
                       3) It was agreed that issues such as the Maine-Canadian border, the
                           seizure of Am. ships and the debts to British merchants would have to
                           wait, but would be discussed at a later date.

           d) PUBLIC REACTION: Most Americans viewed the treaty as a "peace at any
               price" treaty. The Senate approved the treaty by the
               required two-thirds vote and the President enacted it.
              ********* Historians view Washington's decision as unpopular, but wise
              and courageous. The U.S. could survive humiliation, but not
              another war with England.

2) Pinckney Treaty with Spain 1795 (San Lorenzo Treaty)

          a)Background: The U.S. was concerned about its rights to navigate the
            Mississippi River. Because of the Appalachian Mountains, the
            western farmers had need of the Mississippi to send their farm
            goods to the East coast and Europe.
         b)This treaty granted the United States the right to free navigation of the
            Mississippi River. The 31st parallel was accepted as our southern boundary
            line. The U.S. was given the right of deposit at New Orleans.

         c) Public Reaction: The people viewed this treaty as a success and were
             pleased. It was an economic and political victory in foreign

3) Washington's Farewell Address
          1) Need for religion and morality in our society and government.
          2) Good ends do not justify evil means.
          3) Warns against sectionalism.
          4) Avoid permanent alliances with European nations.
          5) Danger of strife because of the formation of political parties.

II. John Adams Administration (1797 - 1801) Vice President: Thomas Jefferson Anti Federalist
                                                                       Political Party: Federalist

A) Major Events:
        1) Election of 1796: Major issue was the Jay Treaty. This election proved that the
            method of selecting presidents and vice-presidents needed
            changing. DO YOU KNOW WHY??????????
            The 12th Amendment was passed to solve this situation and
            preventing it from happening again.

        2) X Y Z Affair: Charles Pinckney, Elbridge Gerry and John Marshall were sent by
            President Adams to discuss with the French minister Talleyrand the
            issue of French seizure of American merchant ships. Adams was
            hoping to avoid war with France and was following the precedent for
            a foreign policy of neutrality and isolation established by Washington
            in our relationship with England earlier. Three Frenchmen, later given
           the title Mr. X, Y, and Z who worked for Talleyrand demanded of the
           Americans a bribe of $240,000 before they would allow them to talk
           Talleyrand. Marshall refused to pay a bribe and two of the men
           returned to the U.S.
          The public and Congress were outraged and the Republican Party
           lost a great deal of support. The Americans were preparing for war:
          Negotiations continued with the French, however, a undeclared naval
          war broke out between the U.S. and the French and lasted for two
          years before things were settled.

     3) During the Adams Administration, foreign affairs such as England's seizure of our
         ships, the French Revolution and the undeclared naval war with France caused
         concerns in our country. The question of freedom of speech and press, as well as
         the right of people to protest against the policies of their government had to be
         dealt with. Under monarchies, if anyone challenged the authority of the
         king or members of government, they were jailed and often executed. The U.S.
         had given its citizens the right of freedom of speech and press, and that included
         the right to criticize the policies of the government. The question was---How far
         was that freedom to be allow to go??? Also the question of the allowing of
         immigrants into our country and how quickly they should be allowed to become
         citizens and gain voting rights was being debated in our country.
        All this would result in the passage of laws which many like Jefferson would
        consider a violation of the rights of the people.

             a) Naturalization Act: Residency requirements for citizenship were extended
                                              from 5 years to 14 years.
                                             ( BE sure you can explain why this law was passed for
                                               political reasons by the Federalist)

            b) Alien Act: Gave the President the power to deport any alien he considered
                               dangerous to our peace and safety, or who might commit treason.
                                ( Define Treason: What proof does the Constitution require???)
                                ( Do you see any problem with giving the President this power
                                  alone????? Hint: System of Checks and Balances
                                 "Power corrupts, absolute power ....."

            c) Sedition Act: Allowed for the fining and imprisonment of anyone for
                                    publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writing about
                                    the government, the Congress, or the President.
                                   Also provided a fine and imprisonment for conspiring to oppose
                                   any law or official of the government.

           a) Jefferson and Madison were shocked by the passage of the above laws which
               they considered as violations of the Constitution. They felt the loose
               interpretation of the Constitution used by the Federalist was creating a
               government much too strong.
               REACTING to the passage of these laws, Jefferson and Madison set
               about writing what came to be known as the Virginia and Kentucky
               Resolutions. In these writings they maintained that the above laws were
              unconstitutional. They claimed that only the states had the right to make
              such laws. ?They also stressed that the Federal government had only
              those powers given it by the states and could assume no others.
             The statements made in these writings were later used by both the North and the South
             to justify the right of a state to nullify a federal law, and also to justify the right of
             a state to leave the Union.
             The whole issue of STATES RIGHTS, which this came to be called, begins here
             and is later used to oppose involvement in the War of 1812, the Mexican War and
             the right of the federal government to collect tariffs.


III. Thomas Jefferson Administration (1801 - 1809) Vice-President: Aaron Burr
                                                                               Political Party: Demo.-Republican
A) Major Issues:
        1. Election of 1800: Major issues that determined the outcome of this election were
            such things as the Alien and Sedition Acts, problems with England and
            France, issue of trade, the Jay Treaty.
            Both Jefferson and Burr received the same number of votes and the
            election went to the House of Representatives as indicated in the
           Constitution. With the help of Hamilton, Jefferson was elected President
           after thirty-six ballots.

       2. A Peaceful Revolution: The power to rule passed peacefully from the Federalist to the
          Republicans under Jefferson. This was a sign of the strength and the
          success of the American Revolution and the Constitution. The peaceful
          exchange of power was a concept not practiced in Europe and it marked
          a movement in American government towards the rule and power of the
          common man.

     3. Marlbury vs. Madison: This issue involved the concept of separation of powers between the
         executive and judicial branch of government. The importance of this law
         rest in the fact that it established the power of judicial review as a power
         of the Supreme Court. This gave the Supreme Court the right to decide
         the constitutionality of any law passed by Congress and signed by the

     4. Louisiana Purchase: France having failed to reestablish a French Empire in North America
         because of the revolution in Haiti and the threat of another European
         war, offered to sell to the United States all of the Louisiana Territory for
         the sum of 15 million dollars.
         The United States, fearing an English victory in the Napoleonic wars and a
         resulting transfer of the Louisiana Territory to England, purchased the
         land. We had been engaged in negotiations with Napoleon for the
         purchase of the right of deposit or the city of New Orleans after Louisiana
         had changed hands and was transferred from Spanish to French hands again.
         The French had been very cold towards such a purchase until conditions
         in Europe changed and Napoleon feared he might lose Louisiana. He hoped
         that by selling it to the Americans, he might be able to regain the land and
         build his American Empire.

        Conflict: Jefferson favored a "strict interpretation " of the Constitution and no where
        in the Constitution was there a power granting him the right to purchase land.
         He believed that the U.S. had a destiny (MANIFEST DESTINY) to gain all the
         land from the Atlantic to the Pacific and that by doing this the U.S. would
         become a great and powerful nation. Going against his conscience, Jefferson
         went ahead with the purchase and it was approved by the Senate as a

     5. Lewis and Clark Expedition: Louis and Clark were sent on an expedition by Jefferson to
         survey the newly purchased land. They traveled as far as the Pacific and
         by doing this lay a U.S. claim to the Oregon area as well.
        They reported that the area we now call the Great Plains was a huge desert
        referred to as the "Great American Desert". This mistake based on limited
       awareness and understanding of the environment had some interesting consequences
        in American history.
          a) Influenced the pattern of settlement of the U.S.
          b) Led the WAR HAWKS to favor conquering Canada as an area needed
              for future farming needs. (since one cannot farm a desert)

   6. Embargo Act: In order to avoid war with England and France and in hopes of hurting the
      economies of both of these nations, Jefferson with the Congress had passed the
      Embargo Act. This act closed down the ports of the U.S. to all European trade by
      Europeans and Americans. Only coastal trade was allowed by the Americans.
      The hope was that if American ships were not in European waters then they would
      not be seized by the French or the English, nor would sailors be impressed into
      service. Thus the U.S. would not be forced to go to war to protect its sovereignty and
     rights in international waters.
     REACTION: The Northeast was hurt economically by this act and talk of nullification
     and secession began to spread. In general the act did not hurt France or
     England and therefore backfired. It was ignored by many and a fair degree
     of smuggling took place. It was finally abandoned at the end of the Jefferson
     administration and replaced by laws that also proved to have little effect.
     The U.S. was trying to follow Washington's stand of neutrality between
     England and France, however, neither country seemed to respect the U.S.
     enough to accept its neutrality or rights of the seas to trade.

  7. Jefferson decides not to run for a third term. Why??????
      a) Foreign affairs and failure of Embargo Act
      b) Belief that Washington had set a precedent of two terms and no more.
      c) Constitutional beliefs about limitations of power and democracy.

  8. Before the Jefferson Administration ended, the Embargo Act was removed and replaced by the
      Non-Intercourse Act. This act allowed trade with all European nations except England and France.
     If either of these countries ended their laws allowing their navy to seize American ships, then trade could
     be restored with them.

James Madison Administration 1809 - 1812 Republican

A) Madison had inherited problems from Jefferson.
      1. Problem with England and France - refusal to respect our sovereignty and rights to
          trade with belligerents.
      2. Failure of Embargo Act (lapses at end of Jefferson's term )
      3. Economic losses of New England due to Embargo Act.
      4. Non-Intercourse Act - resumed trade with all nations except England and France- failed
      5. U.S. unprepared for war ( military force of 3,300 in 1803)

B) How and why did the U.S. go to war with England in 1812?
     Background: Both England and France had established a policy permitting their navies to seize ships
     attempting to trade with their enemy. This was very loosely interpreted and led to most
     shipping heading for Europe to be seized and even captured.
     The British document that allowed this is called: Orders in Council
     The French document that allowed this is called: Berlin and Milan Decrees
     Remember: The U.S. from the time of Washington had been attempting to avoid war with either of these
     countries, however, we were at the same time trying to get them to respect our rights as a
     nation. The signing of the Jay Treaty, the undeclared war with France, the passage of the
    Embargo Act, Non-Intercourse Act had all been attempts to achieve the goal of being
     respected and avoiding war.
    What comes next in trying to achieve our goals?

      1) Passage of the Macon Bill:
          The Macon Bill of 1810 ended the restrictions on trading with England and France that were part of the
          Non-Intercourse Act. It also stated that if either nation stopped its attacks on our trade, we would
          reward them by ending trade with the other nation.
          Example: If England ended the Orders in Council we would stop trade with France.
         Why do this? We hoped both would repeal their laws and our shipping would no longer be attacked.
         If it worked, we would achieve our goals and avoid war.

     2) Reaction:
          a) Napoleon quickly renounced the Berlin and Milan Decrees.
          b) The U.S. responded by renewing its embargo against England.
          c) England responded in two ways: Attempted to remove Orders in Council and stepped up her attacks
             on American ships and her impressment of sailors.
            RESULT: On June 1, 1812 President Madison sent a war message to Congress and on June 18th,
                            Congress declared war on England.

     *****REMEMBER: Napoleon never really repealed his decrees and France continued to harass our shipping.

C) War of 1812 (Second War of Independence)

     1. Causes of the War:
          a) Nationalism- Americans were angry at the British and French for violations of our
          b)Manifest Destiny- Many Americans, especially the War Hawks desired to follow Jefferson's dream to
                                                 expand the nation. The War Hawks were led by such men as Henry Clay and
                                        John Calhoun. They encouraged the U.S. to go to war against Britain because
                                        they were angry over the trouble with the Indians (which they blamed on
                                        Britain) and they desired to gain control over British Canada. They were
                                        nationalistic and over confident of victory.

        c) Impressment of American sailors and seizure of our ships by Britain

    2. Under pressure from the War Hawks and several incidents with the British as sea, Madison went before
        Congress and requested a declaration of war in June of 1812.

    3. Major incidents and battles of the War:
        a) The Constitution vs. the Guerriere
        b) Oliver Perry on Lake Erie
        c) Burning of Washington, D.C. ( done in response to burning of York (Toronto)
        d) Attack on Ft. McHenry ( battle for Baltimore

    4. Battle of New Orleans:
        This battle was the most important American victory and made Andrew Jackson a
        military hero. It was also an unnecessary battle because it was fought two weeks after the Treaty
        of Ghent was signed. (Poor and slow communication)

    6. Treaty of Ghent - 1814 - resulted in a "Peace without Victory"
          a) No exchange of land, no indemnities, no victory for either side.
          b) Issues such as impressment, boundaries, Indian problems, rights of a neutral were not settled.
          c) A spirit of Nationalism developed in the U.S. (Era of Good Feeling) as a result of the false belief that
             we had won the war. (Where did this come from?)
         d) The U.S. could take its place among the nations of the world.
         e) In Europe it resulted in the Congress of Vienna (Concert of Europe) which would call for a
            "rewriting of the map of Europe" and a regaining of the lands lost by Spain in America.
            The U.S. would respond to this by attempting to protect itself by issuing the Monroe Doctrine.
         f) U.S. would pass a protective tariff to protect "infant industries" established during the war when
            we were unable to import goods from Europe and decided to make our own.

7. Hartford Convention:
       This meeting was held by the New England Federalist who opposed the war because they were hurt
       by the loss of trade. They had favored the British over the French and did not want to go to war
       against England. Amendments were proposed to strengthen states rights in order to weaken the
       national government. Plans to nullify acts of the central government and to consider the secession of
       New England from the United States were discussed but not acted on because the war came to an end.
         ********RESULTS OF THE WAR

             1) Peace between England and the U.S.
             2) A wave of pride and nationalism swept the country and was known as the "Era of Good Feelings"
             3) The fall of the Federalist Party - They were viewed as disloyal because of the Hartford Convention
                 and their support of Britain.
             4) A mood of support developed for Monroe and in 1816 he won the presidency by a large majority.

         ************Irony of the War: The war started after peace had been agreed to with Britain and the
                                                                 Orders in Council repealed by Parliament.
                                        The American victory at New Orleans took place two weeks after the signing of the
                                         Treaty of Ghent.