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Backgrounds and Beginnings

I. Europeans explored parts of the New World as early as the 800`s.
     E.g. - Vikings  - Denmark, Sweden, Norway.
                          Explored Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland.
                          Leif Ericsson - Greenland  ----> North America
              A) Why did it fail?
                      1)Poor navigation skills -- too far, too soon.
                      2)Indian attacks - few remains - Ax in Wisconsin, 
                                         church ruins in New England.
              B) Not considered the real discovery because knowledge of the 
                 New World was limited, forgotten and the settlements failed. 
                 The world was not changed as a result of these discoveries.

II.  European events that eventually lead to the discovery of America
                A) Fall of Rome - This was a period of chaos and a decline in 
                               civilization in the western world.  (476 A.D.)
                              There were many causes for the fall of the 
                              Roman Empire:

                 1)External-Barbarian invasions - Huns
                 2)Internal - Poor government - both emperors and the Senate.
                              High taxes on the lower classes to support the 
                              upper class.
                              Loss of values and respect - immorality in 
                              behavior, loss of patriotism, Refusal to 
                              sacrifice for good of nation.
                              Poor move to the cities and revolt against the
                              Lead poisoning from water system and eating 

*****The Roman Empire became rotten from within and when the barbarians attacked it collapsed.

                B) Dark Ages -  Poor communications (roads fell into 
                               disrepair), trade comes to an end, people were
                               isolated into small groups.
                               Rule was by violence and force - control by 
                               robbers and thieves.
                               A vacuum in leadership and government existed 
                               and the Church becomes the center of
                               authority and the Pope the symbol of unity.

                 C) Middle Ages - About the year 800 Europe is united into a 
                                 loose political and religious organization
                                 known as the Holy Roman Empire.  This 
                                 happened when the Pope crowned  
                                 Charlemagne as the Holy Roman Emperor. 
                                 (Christmas Day - 800 A.D.)

                               The barbarian invasions had ended and a new 
                               social, economic, and political way
                               of life was developing in large areas of 

                                   1) Feudalism -economic, social and 
                                      political way of life during the Middle 


                                   a)Two social classes:  Upper - Nobility 
                                                          and Clergy
                                                          Lower - Serfs and 
                                                          Peasants, priests 
                                                          and monks.

                                   b) A God-centered world  (can you explain
                                       this in an essay?)

                                  c) Strict social order where those lower on 
                                     the social scale became vassals to 
                                     those higher on the social scale.  The 
                                     knight protected the serfs and the serfs
                                     worked the land and supported the 
                                     knight.  The knight in turn was a vassal 
                                     to a prince or lord.

                                   d) No social mobility

                                   e) Little trade - people lived on manors 
                                          that were largely self-sufficient.

                                   f) Rule and unity came form the Catholic 


 D) Changes in Europe that lead to the discovery of America
        1) Crusades (1100 - 1250) Series of holy wars in the Near East whose 
                         purpose was to regain the holy land from the Moslem 
                         Turks.  The first crusade did succeed in the capture 
                         of the Holy Land, however, it soon fell back into
                         the hands of the Moslem Turks and was never held 
                         again for any length of time.  The crusades are 
                         considered a military failure, but a religious 
                         success because the Turks finally allowed the
                         Christians to return to the practices of pilgrimages
                         to the Holy Land and no longer attacked them.

        2) Effect of the Crusades:  They acted as a catalyst in causing 
                        change to take place in Europe at a more rapid pace. 
                        These changes in turn would lead to the discovery of

                           a) Reawakened interest in learning - art, science,
                              math, etc.   (Renaissance)
                           b) Created a new market for goods as a result of 
                              the goods the crusaders brought back with
                             them from the Crusades.  (spices, silks, 
                             cottons, tapestries, jewelry) (souvenir)
                           c) Because of the desire for goods trade developed 
                              between Europe and the Moslem Turks who had a 
                              monopoly on trade with the Orient.
                              The Italians were the first to take advantage 
                              of this trade and as a result were the first to
                              experience the Renaissance and also developed 
                              the European side of the monopoly.
                             (First Renaissance cities - Venice, Genoa)     

       3) Other Changes in Europe
                a) End of feudalism --> serfs and peasants moved to towns -->
                   growth of cities and the development of a new middle or
                   merchant class ---> would become the new merchants who 
                   would trade with the Turks.

                b) Rise of National States - Because of isolation during the 
                   Dark and Middle Ages, new languages and cultures developed 
                   in Europe.  This resulted in the creation of new countries 
                   such as England, Spain, Portugal, France and the Italian  

                   These new countries would begin to compete for trade and
                   this would encourage the new trade routes and exploration.
                   Portugal and Spain with coasts on the Atlantic and located 
                   on a peninsula were the first to begin the Age of 
                   discovery. (Influence of environment on a way of life)

                c) Interest in learning - Renaissance - new interest 
                   developed in the past as a result of the journeys of the
                   crusaders.  This interest focused on new knowledge from 
                   the East as well as interest in the ancient civilizations 
                   of Greece and Rome.  New schools opened and new knowledge 
                   increased the curiosity of the people.  This led to the 
                   desire to explore.

                d) New inventions and discoveries would provide the means to 
                   take the curious to new lands.  The clock, compass,
                   astrolabe would allow ships to sail beyond sight of the
                   coast and still know how to return and in what direction 
                   they were sailing.

                e) The growth of towns and cities led to a need to find 
                   better ways of preserving foods. Salt and spices from the 
                   Far East provided such a solution and this as well as the

                  chance to make a profit encouraged the middle classes in 
                  the cities to become involved in the trade.

 E. Economic Cause for the Age of Discovery
                   1) Goods desired from the Orient were very expensive in 
                      Europe because they had gone through the hands of many 
                      middlemen and as a result the price of the goods 

                   2) The price was also high because both the Ottoman Turks 
                      and the Italians had a monopoly on the trade.

                   3) This resulted in countries like Portugal and Spain 
                      trying to find a direct route to the Orient.  They
                      intended to avoid the middlemen and travel directly to 
                      the Orient themselves.
                      The Turks prevented this and closed the trade routes to
                      them.  As a result they started to search
                      for an all-water route to the Orient.  This was the 
                      start of the Age of Discovery.