SpicyHot's World
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MY PICTURE PAGE This section updated August 2000!
KID'S PAGE My children.
FRIEND'S PAGES Check them out, they all kick ass!
MUSIC PAGE This is the music I am into.
HEMP PAGE Useful information.
COOL STUFF Places I like to visit.

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I know one!

Welcome to my little corner of the cyber world! I was really bored one day back in the summer of '97 and I decided to do something constructive, besides lay in the pool or chat. Here is it is!

In a nut shell... I am from a small town in Pennsylvania I'm 25 and I have no life! just joking! Actually, I have 2 kids and one is a toddler so I am real busy these days. I actually like my job and the people I work with. I am also very much into music, I love to go to concerts and shows and stuff.


Well I hope you enjoy what I have to offer, this page is always under construction. New stuff being added as soon as I find it. My page needs a serious update, but I'll get around to it sooner or later.


Email: Mandy