Horror Pics

Corrie-lynn Dyson and Tim Curry (Rocky Horror Picture Show) in NYC after the 10-7-05 performance of Monty Python's Spamalot

Corrie-lynn at the grave of Exeter, Rhode Island's real "vampire", Mercy L. Brown (inspiration for Dracula). (Halloween 2004)

Larry A. Mauk standing in front of the building where "vampire" Mercy L. Brown's corpse was kept for the winter before it could be buried.(Halloween 2004)

Larry before a midnight showing of Rocky Horror.(Halloween 2004)

An RKO Army actor performing Jack's Lament from The Nightmare Before Christmas.(Halloween 2004)

Corrie as Magenta from Rocky Horror.(Halloween 2004)

Corrie as a psycho nurse...or maybe an undead Daryl Hannah from Kill Bill?(Halloween 2004)

Salem, Massachusetts. (The graveyard where Giles Corey, an alleged witch, was "pressed" to death during the hysteria. In the background is an adandoned prison that was gutted by fire and is now supposedly haunted!) (photo by Larry A. Mauk)

Todd Hryckowian, Jeff Henry, and ("Groovy!") Bruce Campbell

John Waters (Cecil B. Demented himself) and Jeff

George Romero with Larry Mauk. (Spring 1999 at IUP)

Janet Leigh, Ryan Dixon, & Larry Mauk

Kane Hodder (Jason from Friday the 13th) & Larry Mauk. (Spring 1999 at IUP)

Doug Bradley (Pinhead from Hellraiser) with Larry. (Spring 1999 at IUP)

Larry & Greg (KNB EFX Group) Nicotero. (Spring 1999 at IUP)

Tina Mauk, Corrie-lynn Dyson, & Larry A. Mauk (Halloween 2000)

Corrie-lynn taking another victim! (Halloween 2000)

Larry & Tina (Halloween 2000)

Display at the Witch Dungeon Museum in Salem, MA depicting the Witch Hysteria. (photo by Larry A. Mauk)