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Lumpy's page and stuff.

My name is Jonathan but everyone calls me lumpy. I'm a 20 yr old guy who loves music. I play guitar and sing in a group called EARTHTIME... it's my frats rock trio. We try not to suck. Anyway take a look around but don't touch anything. I'd have to kill if ya did.

I am a person who doesn't descriminate. At least until someone offends me. Then I got a problem with you. Anyway I'm very openminded so please email me.

Cool things i like to talk about.

Here is a pic of my freind Luara and I at a dance.

Links to things I don't think suck that bad.

Phi Mu Alpha - Omicron Mu
Earthtime... my new band
Phi Mu Alpha.. the frat I am in

I only put this link on here cause I go school there so come and visit me.

This is a picture out of the playboy with KISS in it. (This is also why I'm in a band.)

Thanks for coming.
