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To The Friends I Met Along The Way......

People come in and out of your life everyday...But certain people leave lasting impressions on the Soul, making you a better person for meeting them.

This Candle Burns For You!!!!!...

Wayfarer..When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody... You want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...If I were to make a list of what I desired in a Man it would have had all of your qualitys written there..You changed my life the very first time our eyes met,touching each others Soul and Our Love grows stronger with each moment we share.. I look forward to spending all of my tomorrows with you..Walking toward Forever..You are my Very Best Friend...My Lover...My Partner...My Soulmate...Soon to be My Husband..You,My Love.. are My Life...And I Thank you for Loving me and For letting me Love you in return..UNCONDITIONALLY
Can I have this dance
JOSH..For getting me started on this.. having the patience for all of my questions..and for being my protector in HCU..REMEMBER.*S*...
Matt..Even though I'm not mentioned anywhere on your home page..*L* You have become A true friend..Even though you do cheat at DOOM...Our Pact is forever...
Swami..Hey Boyfriend!!!!What can I say..HHHHHHHHHHHHHH...On a Scale of 1-10..I'm a 10....Practice...Thanks for the late night chats..
The Rose..My Best friend..On and off the net..You have brought me out of the prison I locked myself in... Thank you for having the key to unlock the bars...I love you my dear friend..
Sunflower Babe..Girl..You are one in a million...A bitch..But one in a million...
azure..You know I love you more than my luggage..Don't
G@tor.. A special thanks for dedicating a whole page just to me..I miss you man..Get back on line DUDE!!!
Gem..My Tag team Partner.."Shorts are us"..How many in the collection???
T@zmo..I call you the poetry man..Thanks for bringing the dawn in with me..
Vibrato..I have only one word to say to you..*SQUID* are a riot..
~Q~..You know my friend,I'll try anything once but I don't know about shaving my head.*L*even if we would look like twins.. But the painting does sounds interesting...
Teabag..Do you realize you were my first...(ICQ chat partner that is)You are a HOOT..Thanks for getting me started..*HUG* Now we can be in hot water together...
Lockenvar..We have so much in common that we even think alike..Scary..What a wonderful friendship.. Thank you for coming into my life..You know..I will beat you at CHESS one day..You will not always win..
Banana(Casika)...Hey Look..The SNOB put you on her page..*LMAO*..Now whats that tell you girlfriend..*LMAO*..I just want to tell you one thing.."Thank you"..for making my life brighter with your friendship. Now when are you moving closer to Pa so we can become the Three Musketeers??
Chey1..Hey Girlfriend!!!I thought that you deserved a place on my page..Even though you keep telling me I bring out the BAD in you...*L* Hey thats what friends are for..
Wafer..There must be a way to teach your cats how to spell when they take control of your keyboard..*LOL* I'm so glad your back..
(V)ishra..Okay my Friend..You have made it to my page..Now whats my reward???*L*
Aria..You are a woman of many talents..Many thanks for the great chats in ICQ,HCU and PowWow..And I want you to know..I have EXERCIZED THE DEMON...*LMAO*
sky..My lil sis..I love the confusion we create with having the same name..Thank Goodness we can find humor in it..
Sir Tinker..What can I say..Always a gentleman..Always a Friend..Thanks for the shoulder..*HUGS*
TAS..Hey Girlfriend..*S*..You always know when I'm in need of your shoulder also..*HUGS* What beauty you possess..Inside and out..You have become a True friend and I Thank You for always being there..
Alberto..Where do I start..You have been with me from the beginning..We're such good friends..never have I had a male friend that knows me the way you do. After 3 years of chatting I think we know each others soul..I am so glad that you came into my life..When all else fails I know your always there for me to turn to.. That you won't judge me for my imperfections and childishness..No matter how much time passes between us were always able to pick up where we left off..Thats true friendship.. and what we have is priceless..You will always have a very deep place in my heart..You have been a treasure in my life..Truly worth finding..Thank you so much..I love you my friend..
Blonde Beyond..What can I say about you my Dear Dear Friend..The connection that we have between us is Something that most friends don't find in ones lifetime.We always know when the one needs the other..Whether it's to share a laugh or to cry on a shoulder..The connection that we have would scare the shit outta most people..We have shared so much over the last 4 years..And I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for us..*HUGEST OF HUGEST HUGS*I love you My dear friend..And BTW..MERRY CHRISTMAS..*giggles*
TAnnie & TROLL...Okay you two..Now that Christmas is over can I have some of my Ben Wahs back ..Well at least a set anyway...*LMAO*...Oh TROLL..Wayfarer needs one of those polishing cloths...
COLT...Thank you so much for DUCKY...*LMAO* Hope you don't ever plan on getting it back..Cause it won't happen in this lifetime..The DUCK is MINE!!!!!
Now for all the others that have come into my life..You will all have write ups as soon as I get some more time but for now you at least deserve to be mentioned..
p.kitty...Rich...Laula...STwarrior...Dale&Robin... MysticWolf...Sail-Away...Silly Princess...Blonde Beyond...tim... Slash...daisy...malestripper...Sleepless in Honolulu..Latin Girl..Tinky...Savior...downunder...Nick... Davefu...Splendid...Mellow Yellow...WENdy...restlesslady...PicChic...Purple Haze...
There are others and I will get to you..I promise..*S*

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