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All About Me!

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I started this page in September of 1997 and I must say i think it looks pretty dang good!! What do you think?!?!?! OK now i'll tell u about myself...

Name - Kali Sheffer

Age - 21 baby...i am a happy camper!!

Birthday - June 6, 1982

Birthplace - Franklin Hospital

Where i live - Western Pennsylvania

High School - Keystone High School

College - University of Pittsburgh

Major - information science

Fav Foods - Spaghetti, creamy french dressing, tacos, and pizza

Fav music - Alternative, punk, indie rock, classic rock, and christian rock/alt

Fav movies - The Little Mermaid =), 10 things i Hate about you, dirty dancing

Fav things to do - Listen to music, watch movies, party, shop, drive, hang out, bike, drink, sleep and pretty much everything else

Things I like - Butterflies and the BEACH

Grades in school - A',s B's, and C's

Grades in College - Lil bit of everything except an F ewwie

Fav pro-football team - Pittsburgh Steelers (haha i know)

Fav College football team - Penn state Nittany Lions and LSU and now i have to like my college the PITT PANTHERS!!!

Now for my stats...i'm 5'7, 118lbs, i have brown hair, and hazel eyes.

SO now that i have been at the university of pittsburgh main campus for the past year i have made so many great friends that i truely know will be there for me and i appreciate them so much. We all seem to fit together like peas and carrots and i know ive found peace. :) Thanks guys!love you!

Ajay - my buddy from titville and now down here. I love ya. You are a pretty great friend one that has stuck by me... even though i do just want to slap you upside the head sometimes i know you're there for me!. you're a cutie hehe. your parties are always fun aside from rocco's difficulties hehe its been a blast. Lets hang out more... soon

Ashley R. - Well i've known you for the past few years but this summer and this year we've gotten a lot closer. Still havent met ya yet, yet we live like 15 minutes from each other at home. Soon! lol We feed off of each others problems and help each other to solve them. You know i'll always be here to listen to you even though i know at sometimes you dont believe that. But i will be. Boys suck Lesbianism is on the rise ;) lol However, its just not for us so we will have to bare with the jerkasses and fuckfaces until we truely find the one that is meant for each of us. They are out there. We are two too nice of people to not deserve one i believe. Live is full of surprises, just you wait. Im glad you had fun at lockhaven. Just dont become too drunk and end up in the ER okay! thanks!

Alexey - Thanks for opening me up to the world of bars and clubs. The boardwalk was fun buzzpoets were great and the southside festival was really cool too. i wont forget it. i'm sorry i have been difficult with you at times but you really are a cool person.

Aviv - thanks for being a great neighbor. We couldnt have asked for better. Im sorry i complained about irene when i know you liked her as a friend but hey what can i say. you listened. Thanks for helping me with my economics i almost passed ;-) i would have gotten so much worse if it wasnt for you. I still owe you some pizza and a movie night! soon...

Brian - brian what can i say. We met at the wrong time when you lusted after my x roommate and then liked me at the wrong time but you are still a great person and i really respect you for helping me out with everything the past few months. Kennywood was a fantastic time. Thanks a million and so was Hard rock cafe. You are a great person and deserve a great girl :) smile

Carol - Caroowww! you are great you make me laugh when i first saw you and lesley waiting for the bus stop while the blind man flipped out i was like hmm what losers. Dont ask me why i thought that but i did. and Boy was i ever wrong. you are great! although you and dave are still not allowed to have sex in my apt! ya hear? mmm alcohol!

Chris - what can i say. I dont know what to say. we've had our up's and down's and some how i know we'll always be friends till the end. Life has been interesting because of you. Not always good not always bad. But you've been there for me when i have truely needed you. Thanks for making me grow up.

Dan - Thanks for your incredible help with my C class. And thanks for being there to always help me talk about guy problems and i always am here to listen to your girl problems. We will both find a winner sooner than later i'm sure of it :)You are great person that deserves the most bestest Moo ;) bleh! hehe

Daveoowww - hi dave :)i bought you, a minor, beverages. shame on me :) you are funny, dont lose that. remember no sex here mister. I'm glad you like sword in the stone its a great movie!

Dave S - hey russian neighbor. Thanks so much for many great saturday and wednesday nite parties. You are a great blow job shot maker. Although 7 shots was a bit too many for my poor lil body to handle in one nite. I should have made you clean up my bedroom! lol. Thank you for being there when i needed to have someone to come over and complain/talk to you. You are one in a million.

Dave T - i love you too! So ive kissed you twice and its been good both times but im glad we both feel the same way about each other. I will never want to lose you as a friend ever. You always make me feel better when im down and you just make me want to cry because i feel so much better! *sigh* im glad i messaged a lil deliman82 back in 12th grade. What would life be like with out our mr David G. Torrelio. Come visit me, i know i owe you a visit and once you move down here i will, dont you fret. Thanks for helping me move and im sorry my chair broke your windshield :(

Doug - you also showed me a different side to life. It seems like all the guys i dated this past year have showed me a different side to life that i took for granted or hadnt ventured to yet. I know im an ass sometimes and im difficult and you never know how to percieve me but hey im a girl and your a guy and you confuse the hell outta me too lol dont forget that. Thanks for your last party nite. That apt was a pretty sweet place, i wont forget it. I love the tapestry. hehe perhaps b/c i picked it out for you ;) i'll always have good taste in that. Thanks for trying to make me realize my roommate was nutso. We'll hangout soon i promise.

Eric - hun babe, you let me experience something i never want to experience again thanks for the eye opener. I still like ya alot though and you are a great person that made me feel good about myself and like everyone else make me realize earlier that i was living with a psychobitch! thanks for vivisting me in pittsburgh and i hope to see you down here again soon :) perhaps permenantly!

Gary and Jason - Gary im not sure what went on in the beginning all i know is that im glad i met you and got to know you then. I needed you and you were great. Sugarcult and the ataris were great and im really glad i got to see you at xfest. you'll find someone gary. Jason you are a cool person i havent talked to you since the middle of summer cuz i know you are busy with work, but we'll all hang out once school starts up again im sure. Maybe hit up some bars or just throw back the old shots at you guys' apt :)thanks gary for everything and for giving me someone to talk to.

Gene and irene - what can i say? it seemed like a good idea at the beginning... Titusville was a lot of fun something that indeed will not be forgotten. wish things wouldnt have went down hill but im sure we're both happier apart so. thats that. :-/ good luck with life

Georgia - one in a million girl! Im not talking to you today. oh yea? yea., Why? Cuz you are a retard and you are not coming to my party. LOL I love ya girl. Too bad we only hang out at the book store. Thanks for coming to my bday party though. It definitely was better than anything anyone else could have ever thrown me, as of yet lol who knows whats in the future. You make every day fun. Dont change!

Jennifer - Thank you for making working at the trade desk and enjoyable time. I wasnt sure if i was going to like working there but in the beginning you made it bearable. Thanks for your friendly attitude and great and original ideas. Youa re a unique person and thanks for making me feel appreciated and funny! Sad to say but i love the bookstore ppl! lol

Lesley - dork, PS2 rulz thanks for letting me play DDR :) we are cool at smash brothers. THanks for being a friend and inquiring about my life. It means alot to have ppl ask me how im doing. You wouldnt believe that im actually not used to it at all. Back at home no one asks you how ur' doing. It odd. Perhaps they werent raised correctly ;) Fun times to come.

Melissa - thanks for gving me hours of things to talk about. Never a dull moment working with you :-) Thanks for throwing me my bda party. ANd the alcomohol you got me for my housewarming party. Much appreciated. You know everything i have come to conclude. You'll go far in whatever you do :) GOod luck, keep in touch!

michoowww - ur killn me yo. Com process was fun and easy, too bad i didnt know you until the last week of classes. Missed out on a fun study buddy. You are a unique individual dont lose that. Some people may not like because of that but hey i think you're fun :) want to fight with some stolen broom handles sometime? or how about a 2 hours long game of ping pong that you know i suck at ? ;) fun times are yet to come.

patchoowww - im glad russ introduced us! High fidelity is a great movie thank you for introducing it to me. Although i dont fully agree with your music tastes you still know the good shit. Thanks for letting me use your bed. And drinking parties will be fun in the year to come. Ping pong game was great fun :) and getting dave and andys ice cream. "mike - you live in the orient, me - no i dont i live in the same zip code, 1521...7 , you - uh kali its 15213 you live in a different zip code... THE ORIENT " or something like that ;) i'm sorry i annoy you at some points and you can only take so much of me but hey its likewise bub!

russ - russoowww, im glad i met you and became friends with you. We would make up soap opera stories about you and that you had a grea inner personality and really you were this crazy partier. So jen and julie sent me on a mission to inspect. I found pats web page with your "WWF picture , turtle boy, and pregnant russ" on it and knew you were a weirdo. What i didnt know is that i would have so much fun with you guys. I fun a never got to know when i was in HS. Ppl there didnt care. i woudl get looked at like i was stupid. Now i know you guys give me those looks sometimes but i know you still respect me and care about me. Or at least id hope ;) haha. but anyways,I'm glad i got to find out about the non-shy russ. The parties have been great the drunken nights and good dinners youve made me and now i made you guys one. Hopefully i can stop eating an all frozen food diet :) haha. thanks for everything. Butterfly6682 (11:24:39 PM): i dont know why i put up with you Russoowww (11:25:31 PM): because you're curious how it is that I piss you off constantly, annoy you, irritate you, and make you want to scream..... yet deep down you enjoy my company :-P

Tyler - tyler tyler tyler. I love you hun. You are like the only one i still talk to from home and i didnt even really know you in HS. Im really glad i got to know you. Everyone says you're shy but you're not. Well you are but you still are a great person and pretty dern cute ;) Radiohead the first time was great and radiohead the second time will be even better because yes we like to drink and can drink now. Just dont forget your ID babe. Twilight zone sucks. I can tell you now i still have so many more memories with you than i do from many years of HS. You are a great person and will go far. Just get the fuck out of clarion please! Im offering my apt !! Road tripping next week will be an adventure!

AND others that i still love but havent had the company of hanging out with all the time

Jon - thanks for coming to xfest with me. Even though i know we annoy each other we are still pretty cool friends! thanks tone.

Le - hey you, im glad we still talk unlike your roommate and i. Oh well. Im glad i get to see you around campus once inawhile. ;-) mr banana republic man.

Joe O'keefe _ good luck in Japan. YOu go you cool marine. I cant believe oqueef is in the marines hehe ;-) You spawn of satan! LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU

PITT PPL - Ricky, Rocco, Andrew, Garret, Bob, Mary, Mike K, Nickoowww, Adam, and Tira. This year has been fun thank you for making it special.

HOME PPL - Jess and clint - congrats you too. Hope to see you soon. Becky, Mandy and chris - congrats to you two as well :) Danielle, Brandon. Time and distance has seperated us but hopefully we will all hopefully be able to repair the friendships we once shared and have fun again someday. Hopefully before our 5 yr reunion. *Shudders*


OLD SHEEEEEET.. read on if you feel like it!

In high school i was in concert band and marching band. I will miss marching band terribly. I played the clarinet in MB and Pep Band and the bassoon in concert band. I made 1st Chair 1st bassoon in IU6 honors band and i went to District Band. I made 1st chair 1st bassoon:-) I made Regional Band also and i placed 2nd chair 1st bassoon. It was awesome i will never forget any of it! I also played the piano for my church's childrens choir. I was also in my school's concert choir. I also got into National Honor Society (NHS) my senior year. Wahoo i got to be in it for ONE month(note the sarcasum.
12/20/00 - I now attend the University of Pittsburgh and am hoping to transfer to main campus this year or the next. College life is great for me. I am lovin it most of the time:-)My first semester is under my belt. I made the Dean's list but my next semester is going to be ALOT more challenging.. so we will see if i am the college type
5/1/01 - Well my first year of college is OVER!!! i think i did considerably well. My next semester is going to SUCK MY ASS!!! I think this year has helped me emerge as a good person. I love the college atmosphere and i love the people i met. I will miss you all dearly and as according to Rob..."As i bid farewell to all of my friends at UPT i must say that i will miss you, but we all know that NONE of us will miss TITUSVILLE!" RIGHT ON FAG ;-). I CAN NOT WAIT TILL AUGUST!
9/16/01 - Well I am back at school. It is good to be back, but this week was just unbelievable. 9/11/01 a day that will always be remembered for the innocent lives it took from this great Earth...

And then IRL HEY to -

  • Charity - decades project and district and regional band (we are firemen yeah!)Best of luck to you and Jason in your future I hope it all for the best :-)

  • Mandy - Thank you so much for getting me those VH and sister hazel tickets that was such a blast. We should definitely go to Creation this summer! District/ Regionals, damn printer in curry's office, and thanks bunches for listening to my college problems so far :-) Skiing Rocks!!!

  • Jess N'Clint - Jessica, my balls hurt and oh so much more to remember. Jessica thank you so much for listening to me all the time and i'll always be here for ya thru thick and thin. Anything troubling you, come to me :-) love ya babe. AND CLINT I AM NOT STOOPID ya HEAR? Thanks for playing the mean mean joke on me that i did not find funny! Thank you for giving my Top Gun movie back to me 6 months later =) your forgiven Clint, I'm sorry u'r programming class sucked but u will have to help me with mine now =)

  • Matt H - You and clint need to learn a lesson now someone at GC thinks i'm crazy b/c i called asking for a DORIAN YEAGER! Where are my wheat pennies :-) 6 flags was awesome, DAMn you hit hard with a pillow you should be careful of your own power. No i will not dye my hair orange!! Best of luck to you at GC and get a woman for gosh sakes hehe, Pimpdady matt all the way! U drug dealer ;-)RADIOHEAD is going to be soooo awesome!!

  • Dave T. - hello GC boy =Þ It was great to finally meet you, you are a GREAT person. I'm so glad we are back in touch :-] THank you so much for calling me we will always be awesome forever friends Carribean here we come and i will definitely visit you at CCBC!!where u will be come an awesome pilot. I miss you lots and know that i will ALWAYS be here for you. Thank you for your great friendship babe

  • Katie - you are a great cousin i will always be here for ya ne way, shape, or form. NC and the beach and our bikini's OHMIGOD! KATE please Dont run Vertical Horizon and sister hazel were awesome... curry.... "i know shes out there some where some day" awesome song!

  • Brianne - getting lost, if its not hard its soft!!! PITT PITT PITT (even though u dont go there any longer...), thanks for listening to all my problems too... u owe me now from the last convo we had on the phone ;-)

  • Alanna - nice mustang girl can i have it?? or can i at least drive it? PAHLEASE.. YEAH BABY!(austin powers)Hey Snow WHITE.. !!

  • Becky - to my cousin. many good times and more to come. Miss you !! Toronto is going to be a blast and so is visiting your college!!!
  • Brandon - I can't believe we came all the way out to Williamsport to get you brandon am i crazy or what?!?

  • Sarah & Becky - LOUSIANNA was the greatest, lets go back there again sometime aight!!?? I wont ever forget it

  • Krista - I'm sorry for shuving crumbs on you at lunch :-( the Lit/Garbage concert and the Tonic/Earth to andy concert, getting Billy C. and Derek D. up crowd surfing :-) kabam there goes maggie on da floor haha

  • Tyler - Thank you for asking me to the RADIOHEAD CONCERT! It was nothing but the greatest!!!
  • Devin - Thanks for having the parties at your camp. ;-) You know how i like them! More to come!!!!!! Thanks for the guitar strings and awesome parties love yas!
  • The ACV and CUP GUYS - Kyle (check your mail for nip pics :-)AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TAKING ME TO THE DAVE MATTHEWS BAND CONCERT U WILL BE FOREVER MY FRIEND!!!!;-), Doug, Ryan and Ty(hey you thanks for taken us to see star wars it was awesome.. i just wish we coulda gone mini-golfing), Steve F.

  • Derek - whats up? no no not that!!hehe I"M NOT A DAMN HO, u'r a shitterhead. And once again as i am always right. I knew i wouldn't get to see you again,(well i saw you in january) ride in your jeep, or get the $5 you owe me from out little bet. 12/23/00 (now 4/26/01)still hasn't paid me ..still hasn't gotten his jeep to work.. what a loser ;-)

  • PITT at TIT guys
  • Matt and Joe - what can i say? its been and will continue to be quite interesting! I'm not a boner or anything else you say. I do not suck at mario kart just when i play you matt. ELI ELI ELI boner SUCKs! DS sucks ! dave and his tactics of lying to us, Sucks! Thanks for the great memories you guys i'll miss you lots Joe Have an awesome time in the Marines:-(. Matt, you know you helped me with everything thanks for being there for me. :-) And as i said b4 without your help, i would have never been able to pass DS!!!See ya next year homo!!

  • Jon, Adam, Ajay, and Le - You guys are awesome our trip to Erie was fun fun fun. More road trips to come. Pack your bags we're going to Canada. well i'll settle for Erie! Jon you scare me I can't wait till next year!!!

  • Josh - No i wont lie naked on the bed while you watch ER. i'm not free.. i need some money.. i need to make a living too you know haha. Thanks for the help on moving my room back to normal since you know who wouldn't help me! Come back to Pitt and visit me!! NO andy king pleeeease
  • Le - Pwease dont call me dork or skunk or any other names you call me ;-) i'm not senile either. I can't wait till next year! thanks for breakin my car on our last day :-( Le never think i'm mad at you.. I'll always be your friend dork
  • Adam - I MISS YOU ADAM!!!!You are cool grandpa!.. cept i need to tell you some thing...YOU .. are... the biggest SNOB i ever did meet HA HA HA joking! star wars sucks. Playing MS pac-man till all hours of the nite. I know i suck no need to tell me. And i dont make you run into the ghosts.. you do that on your own!(sore loser) I'm sorry we didn't get to go flying :-( i really hope to see you near year we'll come visit you at big pitt and u can come to Tight Ass Ville! EITHER NEITHER!!! HEHE i did better than you on our astronomy project 97% baby oh YEA! Miss ya!

  • and any one else i know that i forgot to add and if that is the case FoRgIvE mOi!!!

Movies i've seen and what i think of them

  • Titanic.. nice but long
  • Austin Powers 1- Funny
  • Austin Powers 2- the Spy Who Shagged Me- Funnier
  • Cruel Intentions-devious
  • Star Wars- Episode I-boring the 3rd time u've seen it
  • Never Been Kissed-funny
  • Notting Hill-interesting
  • Tarzan-cute, made me cry ;-(
  • Big Daddy-funny
  • American Pie-halarious w/ sickness
  • Deep Blue Sea-scarey shitload
  • The 6th Sense-awesomest movie ever
  • Bringing Out the Dead- dont waste your money please
  • Sleepy Hollow- great great movie!!(lots of sliced off heads though...
  • The Mummy- scary for me
  • Toy Story 2-another great movie.. better than the first toy story
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail-halariously funny movie, a must watch for everyone at least once in there life
  • End of Days - Good movie deals with the devil and the coming year 2000...2 hours long at least
  • Flubber - Halarious..if you like Robin Williams
  • Galaxy Quest - funny, tim allen is good in it and the brandon kid in it is cute :-)
  • Tigger Movie - sooo cute i love tigger and he sings a new song in it... i just can't remember what it was.. DAVE i need your help!
  • Steven King's "IT" - Ok movie.. 3 hours is incredibly TOO F**KING long!
  • U-571 - very good Matthew M. very cute. Non stop action for 2 hours!
  • Ed TV - More Matthew M. MMM good haha i would never put my sex life on TV! NEVER
  • Gossip - James Marsden is a hottie. Just why do the cuties have to be uh.. not good haha
  • Mission Impossible 2 - Great movie, better than the 1st.. TOM CRUISE is so ahhhhhhh. :-)
  • Shanghi Noon - jackie chan is funny and so it the bent nose cowboy guy from Armegedon. The outtakes are totally halarious. This movie had me laughing the hardest i have in a movie theater since american pie.
  • Road Trip - Well i finally got off my butt to see this one. Wasn't what i expected but i still found it amusing.
  • What Lies Beneath - Harrison Ford ahhh.... Strange roll for him but he does it very well. Definatly a movie must see (like any one actually is gonna take my word for it haha)
  • Hollow Man - I like Kevin Bacon so it was a good movie because of him. Very gross at some points though :-(
  • Space Cowboys - Good movie, thought it was gonn abe dumb at first but it has Clint Eastwood in it. It is a "Space" movie like armagedon and others.
  • Dirty Dancing - AT college this was the only movie we had the first week so i had to watch it twice. Pretty good movie though i must say... Definitely you should watch it at least once in your lifetime :-)
  • South Park - My silly roommate made a bet that we wouldn't watch this. Well we did. I have to admit i laughed, sadly.
  • 16 Candles - 80's movie. Gotta love em. Halariously funny for a movie made in the 80's. And Becky you were so right, Jake Ryan is a Hottie mmmm :-)
  • Lake Placid - can you say waste of an hour and 20 some mins. wow... was it dumb. dont waste your time
  • Ferris Bulers Day Off - I've seen this before but just watched it again. funny funny funny movie. Another 80's movie its great. The dude off of Godzilla is ferris :-)
  • She's All That - yes i just watched it, i'm a lil behind.. but hey i have the movie.. so if any of u girls wanna see FPJ well then talk to me haha ..cute movie
  • Forces of Nature - Great movie. I enjoy watching it everytime... Ben affleck is a cutie and sandra bullock is a good actress
  • Goonies - Finally got the movie and saw it in English and not french. If you were in my French class you know what i mean. We watched it like 4 times in French! Funny ass movie for an 80's movies..80;s movies kick arse! :-)
  • Gladiator - cool movie, but long, but cool b/c i had just finished taking western civ so i actually got to be smart for the movie and i knew what they were talking about!
  • Coyote Ugly Awesome movie!! very good! I loved all the songs on it!!
  • Miss Congeniality - Cute lil movie although the asshole i saw with didn't like it! gosh i hate him, yes that would be you chuck
  • Along Came A Spider - Great movie. Twist ending so i wont tell you what happens. One of the best ones ive seen for awhile Now i'll have to read the book. Morgan freeman is a great actor.
  • The Big Labowski - Odd movie.. I can see why guys like it ! ARGH! To my friends "donny" "walter" and "the dude" I'll miss you lots this summer see you in 4 months i HOPE!!!
  • King Pin - Halarious movie. I have never seen one about Amish people. And to think i live near em hahah.
  • Shaw Shank Redemption - Another morgan freeman movie. Great movie though.. Very deep thinking for even me!
  • Deep Impact - yet another morgan freeman movie. Decent. A lot like Armegedon cept with a tidal wave.
  • 12 Monkeys - BRAD PITT!!! need i say more? when i was done watching the movie i was very confused. of course it didn't help that it was 5 in the morning either!!
  • A Knight's Tale - Very good and oh he is soooo cute! Just i wish iw ouldn't have felt liek shit that day and the movie sound wasn't cranked up so insanely HIGH!!
  • Pearl Harbor - good movie i must say, even though alot of people ripped on it. Two cuties, nice romantic plot, and good battle scenes. How could you not like it?
  • Shadow of the Vampire - STUPID movie.. No point hard to follow. When it was over we were like uh. And the point was?
  • Unbreakable - Odd, but morgan freeman and bruce willis are good actors so it was okay i guess.. unbelievable though.
  • Swordfish - Good movie, cept i could do with out the nudity of halle berry and there were many un answered questions. Plus danielle kept talking to me most of the time lol!
  • Scary Movie 2 - Okay movie. Guys like it Girls think its gay. I thought it was funny most of the time. It was very short and didn't seem to go anywhere.
  • Double Take - Really good the first time, the second time was a little boring :-/
  • American Pie 2 - HALARIOUS, best number 2 movie out!! funnier than the first. Watch it.. great music in it also!
  • The Silence of the Lambs - First time finally seeing this. Thanks for renting it Jon it was gooooood!
  • Tomcats - just as funny as american pie 2. I love it when he is running trying to catch his friends testicle. Good story line also!
  • The Mexican - decent movie. I thought it was over and then it went another 45 minutes lol! But hey. BRAD PITT and julia roberts.. how can you complain!
  • O - Modern Day Othello. Good movie. Kind of slow but hey.. josh harnett and julia stiles are good actors plus josh is a HOTTIE!
  • Hannibal - i was really tired when i saw this so i dont know if i slept through any of it !! hehe. I liked silence of the lambs alot better but still a good movie.
  • Oh brother, where art thou? Interesting movie. Haven't seen any like it. Decent story line and not incredibly too long. Kinda really dorky music though.
