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How to Make Audioscopes

1. This is what happens when you write this

Now we can start adding on to our audioscope

2. We will start with the background color
<<>audioscope bgcolor=indigo>

3. Next we can do the right and left color of the lines in the middle
<<>audioscope rightcolor=cyan leftcolor=darkred>

Color Index for Webtv

4. We can put a border around the outside of the audioscope from the number 0 to the number 10
<audioscope border=1>

<audioscope border=10>

5. Next we will do "Gain". The gain is how you make the lines move.
<audioscope gain=0>

<audioscope gain=5>

<audioscope gain=-170>

<audioscope gain=170>

5. Next is height and width. We can change this from 440(height) to 600(width).
<audioscope height=60 width=170>

<audioscope height=5 width=400>

<<>audioscope height=100 width=15>

Hint:always play with your numbers to get the effect that you want

6. Next we can learn about the leftoffset and the rightoffset. This is where you place the lines to each other. The more you minus the further apart.
<<>audioscope leftoffset=7 rightoffset=7>

<<>audioscope leftoffset=1 rightoffset=-1>

<<>audioscope leftoffset=2 rightoffset=2>

<<>audioscope leftoffset=10 rightoffset=-10>

HINT:you can use align=middle to line audioscopes up

7.Here are some examples using the above information

<<>audioscope border=5 height=50 width=100 rightcolor=purple leftcolor=darkslategray bgcolor=wheat gain=8 leftoffset=5 rightoffset=-5>

<audioscope border=8 height=100 width=350 rightcolor=magenta leftcolor=teal bgcolor=white gain=-150>

<audioscope border=2 height=50 width=200 rightcolor=midnightblue leftcolor=lime bgcolor=silver gain=0>

Now for the thing I forgot to put in the first time the true and false tag.
<audioscope maxlevel=true>

<audioscope maxlevel=false>

Audioscope Links will go here
Audioscope Audioscope Audioscope Audioscope
Mad Rabbits Audioscope Builder
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