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The UFO\Solar Connection

As I was working on my updated "UFO Crashes" page recently, I came across a little pattern that somewhat disturbed me. I researched this unusual occurrence and came to some startling conclusions, which I will now share with the world.

In 1897 there were a great deal of reported UFO crashes throughout the United States. Most of these were dismissed as hoaxes and such, but I remind you that airplanes weren't invented until 1903, and hot air balloons were fairly scarce. Yet in Michigan, a propeller blade was found after such a crash. Where could this possibly have come from unless something really did happen? I thought the fact that there were nine UFO crashes in 1897, all in the month of April, was quite odd. I began to wonder what would cause this sudden surge in UFO crashes, so I investigated. It turns out that in 1895, Guglielmo Marconi sent the first radio transmission. Now radio waves, just like television signals and such, escape our atmosphere and shoot out into space. Such a trasnmission is likely to have attracted nearby extraterrestrial life forms and thus caused the sudden interest in our little planet.

Then, the crashes die down. For nearly 50 years, all was quiet. Then, in 1945, we dropped the atomic bomb. Have you ever set off fireworks in the middle of a pitch black night? Same principle. We set off an explosion that was like a beacon to anyone who even remotely was paying attention out there. Later, in 1946, the number of UFO crashes skyrocketed. I believe that this occurred because they were drawn to the explosion, and such atomic/nuclear reactions can disrupt things a great deal, probably causing the UFO's to crash.

After that time, I believe the extraterrestrials became smarter. There was bound to be some crashes still, but not like there were in the past. The extraterrestrials now knew what to account for. They avoided times of high solar activity and now knew to avoid nuclear explosions (which haven't happened since, only in testing).

I believe the extraterrestrials have always visited us periodically, but let's face it. We're babies in this universe, and we weren't all that interesting. Now that we have nuclear technology, I believe we have "evolved" to the point where extraterrestrials believe we need to be monitored constantly. This is why since 1946, there has been a steady stream of reported UFO crashes (a low count, mind you, of only one or two a year on average) each year, and it is also why so many people claim to have seen UFO's. I am included in that group of people. I've witnessed two myself, both of which can be corroborated by one or more people.

If you have other theories you'd like to tell me, I'm quite open to suggestions. Or if you have UFO stories you'd like to tell, I'd LOVE to hear them. It's always a comfort to know I'm not the only one on this messed up world that thinks this way.

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