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Jade's Crystal Palace

Hello all and welcome to my very small webpage! that you're here where do you want to go? ;)

Read all about Me and My Beloved...

My Little Ponies- You know those adorable little toys from the 80's.
I love them! Collect them by the hundreds..well, actually I have 40some
but hey people, I have car insurance to pay for! ;)

Cyberpets-adopt your own by clicking on the link, they're all cute! :)

Soon to be a poetry page but not anything yet! :)

Check out my new Dance page!

Hey lookie here! What's THIS!?? I wouldn't click here if I were you...

Write to me!

Okay, I did have a nice little main page until Angelfire decided
it didn't like me anymore and erased my entire main page.
Here is my second attempt as it wouldn't let me save anything
on my original page. Hope you like it but I no longer have a
guestbook as it erased that too. :(