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Jon's Words of Wisdom

    There isn't much that I have come up with in my years but what I have thought about, I guess I'll share.  Don't live your life by it, but it's always good to have advice to think about.  I'll be updating this as I think of more stuff, but this is initially what I came up with.  So here we go.

Objectivity.  I really like to be objective when considering or thinking about anything.  This can be really hard to do, especially if you cannot see past your own biases.  Objectivity goes a long way; questioning yourself to see if you're doing the right thing, examining others' viewpoints without prejudice, and seeing anything or everything through a lense without bias.  This is not as easy as it sounds, or so I have learned.

Nothing is the end of the world.  Think about the last time you said something like, "This is is over.  I'll never..." or something to that effect where everything seemed hopeless.  Chances are that the event that was bothering you turned out to be rather insignificant.

Stand up for your friends if someone is talking behind their back.  They would really appreciate it, and know that you're a true friend if the incidentally found out.  Besides, this is what friends ought to do.

Every once in a while, do something crazy.  These are the types of things that we often look back upon fondly and are able to remember to tell to our children.

My view on people is like the American justice system.  Everyone is cool with me until they prove otherwise.  In other words, I like everyone unless they really give me a reason not to.

This isn't advice, but this is something that other people have noticed about me.  I never get mad.  Well, almost never.  So what is it that sets me off?  Well, I have figured that out.   Someone has to intentionally do something wrong to me and that wrongdoing must be premeditated.  That's it.  I guess I'm thankful that this happens to me so rarely.

Do things in advance.  Come on, you know you should. 


Be good to yourself.  It's always good to do things and think of yourself last, but remember that no matter where you go and what you do, you will always be with yourself and may as well make the best of it by being good to yourself.  Hmmm...English majors like Kelly Lormand might take issue with that last sentence for being a run-on.  Sorry :)

Let people know the impact they've had on you.  Usually they don't find out.

Treat your friends like gems. They are the best thing you could have.   If you don't know what I'm talking about then watch Shawn Trauger.  Sorry for the reference to all of you that do no know him.

It will all be okay in the end, and if it's not okay then it's not  the end.

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