Dragon Ball Z GT
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Dragon Ball Z GT

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Hey to the people reading this, is there is actually one... This DBZ / GT site will not be updated anymore, I havent updated in about 8 months from now and I have decide this site is forgotten... I dont get the kind of traffic I used to get and adversiting me is very dificult, since this is an angelfire site and not a paid site... I get 0 money from this site and thats why I cant put it in search engines, There are also some reasons I stop doing the site... First, DBZ was my first anime ( japanimation ) that I watched, in other words, I was a newbie, I tough DBZ was the best anime in the world so I make this site, Now I have really watch alot of anime and im not a newbie anymore... I have watched, Samurai X, Ninja Obbysey, Ghost in the Shell, Slayers, Sailor Moon, Poliester report and lots lots more and I got in the conclusion that DBZ wasent even close to be the best anime ever, perhaps u should go and watch Samurai X and see what a good anime is and belive me Samurai X is 5 times better than DBZ, dont think I dont watch DBZ anymore... I do watch DBZ, GT , DB all the time, and im still a fan, but i wont spend long hours working in this site anymore... and please dont ask me to give u my site because thats just a simple NO. Enjoy whats left of my site.

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Email: goku_sanssj@hotmail.com