till i finish school for good (again)
pandora's box
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hello all!

yes thats me, well, I am 18, I had a car named freddie (an old falcon i painted all 60s and stuff) he wass great, but sadly has moved on to the scrap heap, and i currently drive "theo".
I am in yr 12 and studying art and english to complete my HSC.I like drinking, parties and men *grin*...i dont think there's anything else. if u would like to know more just ask me and I'll be glad to say icq # 30722050 or email me at bottom of page.

and check out the new links

my poetry
my online friends

this is my guest book so leave me a little note to say hi! check some other cool messages left by ppl Guestbook by Lpage

Email: looktotheearth@hotmail.com

dats me a few months ago not a good foto. one of those I've been up all nite and have driven all day take a foto and I'll rip your head off kind of shots. and this is to prove my natural hair colour was blond!!!!