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I offer an apologetic for my own atheism. This is not an attempt to "prove" atheism, or to disprove theism. At times I may be strident and offensive (not pornographic) and the reader is invited to comment.

This page was listed in Yahoo! in early May of 2000. Since then, I've averaged 200 hits per month. That number went to 300 in September 2001 and almost 400 in February of 2002. This may be related to the terrorist murders of September 2001.

A rationalization for a comparison of spiritual systems is offered. The comparison finds two elements common to all such systems. Those elements are discussed and found unreliable, theist and atheist literature is used to form the arguments and are properly credited.

An apologia for my own atheism is offered. No particular variety of theism is attacked, but comparisons are, and must be, made in the course of the argument.

Lastly, links for e-mailing me, viewing other's uncredited e-mails, and connecting to other pages are provided. Most of these other pages are by atheists, a few by thiests, and some are book reviews of my own. The book reviews are principally of books by Christians, only one is by a Buddhist, but I try to limit my criticism to theism generally.

this page updated 2/28/02