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PoolMarlin's Pool

No! Not Bathtub! POOL! It's a POOL!!!!

Hi! Welcome to my webpage! Here I have a HUGE picture gallery of my friends and I from my swim team, school, and trip to Athens, Greece and London, England late '98. (It has approximately 300 pictures) And since anime is the COOLEST thing since they invented swimming (whoever theyare), I have information on that, too. (YES... I DO have a life...)

Choose your pathway: ``Insert dramatic music here''

This is the FUNNIEST COMIC in the WHOLE world. I mean seriously!! It's about this crazy mini-lop with a switch blade who loves baywatch and hates telemarketers with a passion. But anyways, it is seriously the funniest thing in the world and it has parodies from Bill Clinton's Sex Scandal, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (it's called Muffin the Vampire Baker), X-Files (Slugg-files), Star Trek, and even Austin Powers. It's just so funny I can't get over it...and here is a little animated .gif from it, too.

-Every page is divided into sub-pages to prevent the inevitable scroll-a-thon and to allow faster loading time... KAY? to the INCREDIBLE popularity of my guestbook... I took it off cuz no one signed it anyways

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