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Chasey's Lipstick Mechanic Page a.k.a the Powder Room

Let's face it girls, we've all been taken for a ride when it comes to simple automotive repair. Why, even the great Chasey has been scammed, m'kay? I'll share a story with you. Once when the right headlight burned out on my still relatively new '87 Nissan Sentra, I took it to the dealer to get it "fixed". It wasn't covered on the warranty, so eighty bucks later, I drove away with a shiny new, brightly burning headlamp. I just had no idea that I could've gotten the same dazzling effect by stopping by my local autoparts store and picking up a $7.99 (manufacturers suggested retail price) bulb, which would have taken a whole two minutes to insert (including the time it takes to remove the burned out bulb). There's always someone who thinks they can (and usually does) get one over on us. This page is dedicated to all those broads out there who are as clueless as I was, and still am, much of the time. Feel free to post any questions or comments you might have on the topic. As you can see from the story above, nothing could possibly be considered a dumb question!
Below are a couple of links I that found which provide some good advice on car buying tips, insurance costs, maintenance, repair, and even ways to get into the automotive repair industry. Seems women are in demand :) If you'd like to share any related links, please let me know.

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