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Unethical readers

As a reader, I get so angry when someone asks me if I could confirm that "there's been a curse put on them" as another 'reader' had told them. Of course, the "so-called reader" then offered to remove it for a fee--usually anywhere from $100.00-$5,000.00!! (the ranges mentioned to me). After I try to reassure the person with the facts regarding their "curse," (see below), I plead with them to go to the police. Notice that I used the word "try" in that sentence. Unfortunately, these people normally will NOT go to the police for several reasons. "Why," you may ask? I'd like to try to answer this question based on my observations and experiences.........

*First, these people are usually going through a very rough period when they are told they are "cursed." As most of us do when we're going through a "bad period," we think there MUST BE A REASON for things going so wrong (admit it--we've all thought this--even YOU)?! ;-) Many people who get "taken over" go for a reading to learn if their future looks brighter--but instead, an unscrupulous reader takes advantage of this perfectly human question and instead, "gives them an answer for their pain--one that they can do something about if (for the right price) they want to!!!!!" Desperation often causes us to act impulsively and do things we normally wouldn't do under normal circumstances. OK--perhaps YOU may not have been told that your desperate situation was due to a "curse," but if you think about it, a person who believes this (or wants to believe there's an 'external' reason) is probably not doing anything worse than some of the things we may have done in desperate situations--and at least they feel they aren't hurting anyone else! (Well, they are, but I'll explain that later).

*Another reason people don't go to the police is plain old embarrassment.

Many people haven't told their spouse or partner that they've doled out big money and are now afraid to tell them. Remember, the "reader" touched a nerve and they reacted impulsively and out of desperation.

Maybe they DID mention "their curse" to a close friend or loved one and were laughed at--now they don't want anyone else to know they actually believed this (whether or not they paid to have it "removed").

*Fear of the legal system is another fear some people have. They're afraid they may be in trouble, or afraid they may have to testify in court, etc.

I hope I helped explain how and why a person can be taken in by an unscrupulous reader.


FIRST....DON'T PAY THE "READER" ANY MONEY!! Get out of there immediately!

SECOND....PLEASE RUN to the police! These criminals have to be stopped--and you now have the opportunity to do it. By doing this, you likely WILL prevent others who are going through a difficult period in their lives from being taken over by them. It's possible you may not have to tell anyone else or even testify in court--the police may be able to set up a "sting" and arrest the "reader" on their own.

NOW...For those who believe that curses are REAL, I'm going to assume that you are right, since the truth is that I cannot prove or disprove something that's unseen! After all, I am a Christian and believe in the spiritual world. Having worked in a metaphysical shop, I have done a lot of reading on the subject, including books that teach you how to perform curses and/or spells. I also happen to have a few Wiccan friends who work "positively" with energy every day. These sources have taught me that "curses" are nothing more than energy which has been manipulated to perform whatever and wherever the intended wishes.

I learned from these same sources--and also from science--that energy cannot die or be destroyed--it can only be transformed! Yes, this may explain why curses or spells can be created--but it also tells us that OUR intent can direct that same energy away from ourselves! For this reason, NEVER, NEVER, pay anyone to take a "curse" off of you--that person cannot do anything you can't do yourself.

I truly hope this page will help those whose fears are being exploited by showing you that you can:
1. Handle a "curse" yourself--for free!
2. Make the Tarot cards wrong if they show unwanted outcomes--simply by interfering with the energy flow!

But more importantly, I hope you see that going for a Tarot reading is just that--a Tarot reading! That's what you're paying a reader for! It should NEVER result in your fears being exploited.