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The purpose of this page is hopefully to simplify the complexities of Astrology and perhaps to arouse interest, curiosity and acceptance. I am not a fortune teller. I simply study, this fascinating subject. So there are no horoscopes here, sorry. :(
There are many disturbing preconceptions about Astrology today. I only hope that after your visit here I will have opened your mind to this alternative possibility. I sincerely hope that you will contact me () for a chart for your curiosity and to help me further my astrological education. Interpreting for you helps me obtain a deeper understanding. Thanks for stopping by. Blessed Be, Annie

Thank you Angelfire for letting me share. ;~)
Also I would like to dedicate this site to my dearest friend Rina Dean and my greatly missed teacher Lari Mangum. Thank you both for your insight.
Without you the blind spots would still be.

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This page last modified on Thursday May 10, 2003
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