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Miscellaneous AOL Tricks

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-To add or make up your own categories to your Profile, simply got to the 'edit your profile' window. Chose any line and first press Ctrl and Backspace which will create a box (it invisibly creates a new line) The type your own category, ex: How Many Pets: (to make the most effect, add a colon after..) Then after the colon, make a tab. You should have noticed that if you push tab, the cursor goes to the next line. To get the correct AOL tab, ex. IM yourself and between your screen name and the words, copy the space between them and paste the space after your category. Then type your message, ex: I have 5 pets. I t should be perfectly aligned with the other categories.
-To make a web page "backwords," do this: When you load up the web type in then the web address you want backwords without http:// in it, and voila! It's backwards! Works for about 85 % of pages, works on 30 % of framed pages.

-Drive hell was one of the most annoying tricks in AOL Tricks history. What it did was read the A drive to the entire chat room. Some of the older computers gave error messages. If you ever download an old proggy and see drive hell and it didn't do anything, it is because AOL got rid of the flaw in late 96'. What you did was simply type in {A* into the chat room and the entire room came privy to the attach
- ° My most favorite trick of all time was the IM trick that if you typed in <.a href> into the IM, you shut the other person out.. To be more specific, you'd type it in and after you did, the receiver couldn't see what he wrote into the IM after he hit sent.. Would drive everyone crazy!! AOL stopped it's use in May 98
-If you write 1 1/2 text into the IM Box (ALL CAPS!) and highlight it and push the right mouse button, go to justification, then full and send it, all the letters of your screen name would be tabbed!
- ° Anybody remember strike tags. If you typed <.s> into the box, followed by a message, it'd be crossed out.. STILL WORKS FOR AOL'S INTERNET INSTANT MESSANGER THOUGH !!! Stopped for AOL in May 98
- This is real old school. You know how you could hear annoying sounds in chat rooms from the Windows directory.. (Like Goodbye, Welcome, Drop ect..) Well you used to be able to play files from the Diskimage directory too..Yes! And Diskimage came with a few 1 minute sounds that everyone with Windows 3.1 (common at the time) had. If you have an old computer, check and see them. Credit.wav was the most commonly used. I think the chat room tag was {S diskimage/credits.wav.. Stopped in Nov 95'.
-Profile punter. This used to create a general fault error, but it hasn't worked in over a year.. Check the member directory to see how many morons have it as their profile? Here was the original copy. Member Name: Blizz....................xx xxxxx( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )~54367=547-547=3~
Location: Arkon NY 23dfgs6s54vf7afasNY
Birthdate: 11-15-76
Sex: Male
Marital Status:
Hobbies: Ddd-Ddd-Ddd-Ddd-Ddd-Ddd-Ddd -Ddd-Parties-Ddd-Ddd-Comput
ers-Ddd-And-DDD!!!....Ddd dddddd dd dddd Ddd!! =
Computers: IBM Aptiva
Occupation: ########KiSS YoUr a$$ GooDBye....#########
...................... hahaha
Personal Quote: I don't have a friggin Quote .........................




Member only test center.. Password access needed.