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(281).."Flexing the Wrists"

If there is one fault I see over and over again, it is flexing the wrists when chipping and putting. The funny thing is the golfer usually does not even know they are flexing their wrists during these shots. The basic premise of these two shots is to return the club face "loft" to the exact place at impact as when you started the back swing. When this does not happen controlling the distance becomes almost impossible. Flexing the wrists guarantees the loft will be different at impact. With putts you will be pinching the ball or lifting the ball off the green and either one will destroy any chance of true roll and consistent distance control. With chips, consistent distance control and varying heights are the norm, because of the varying loft at impact.

You must keep your wrist solid and DO NOT FLEX them for putts or chip shots. This is imperative to achieve consistency in either of these shots.

If you find you just can't get the hang of this or do not know if you are flexing your wrist, here is a drill that may help.

Get yourself a couple popsicle sticks, pens, or pencils. Using two watches, some masking tape or a couple pieces of Velcro, place the pen, pencil, or stick from the middle of the back of your hand, across your wrist and part way up your arm. Secure it with the tape, Velcro or put it under your watch band. Do this on both hands. Now make some putts or chips and you will get instant feed back if you are a wrist flexer.
If you STILL don't know if you are flexing your wrists, use a pencil sharpened on both ends. OUCH!! You'll get the feed back real fast!! :-)

(Note: I don't REALLY encourage you to use a sharp object. Only if you have medical insurance, and don't mind pain!!)

Keep em in the short grass......Tom

ball in the hole

All of my tips are discussed for right-handed golfer's. If you are left handed, you know what to do!

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