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Bad Guys

~The Big Cheese~ Dark Kat. Parvo. Robotnik. Scar. Frollo. When you think of these villians.. you think of pure evil. The Big Cheese. Even the name says he's different. Cheese is the goof of all villians. He enjoys singing, dancing and cross-dressing. Plus, he has the magnificent talent of blowing himself up at will.. Spontaneous Combustion.. I wish I could do that.

~Bad Bird~ Bad Bird is one bad bird. The egotistical leader of the Ninja Crows wants nothing more than to defeat the Pizza Cats and get his very own television show. When given the Armor of Worc, Bad Bird was one of the most worst villians Little Tokyo had ever seen. He almost killed Speedy, and took out Guido and Polly.

~Jerry Atrik~ The name says it all, folks. Jerry Atrik is The Big Cheese's senile side kick. He has a heavy accent, and carries a walking stick with him wherever he goes. Jerry is the cheif of the Ninja Crows, and he was saved by Big Cheese, causing an allegiance between Cheese and the Ninja Crows.

Samurai Pizza Cats Good Guys

Samurai Pizza Cats Other Characters

SPC Lynx

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