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My Heart

All my life I have waited
For my knight in shinning armor,
My kindred spirit if you will.
Countless nights I’ve spent dreaming
Of happier moments sure to come.
Wondering if I could ever find
Someone that would awaken
Lost passions hid deep inside.
Wanting not only to live,
But to live life to it’s fullest.
Wanting more out of life
Than to simply exist.
A heart once soft
Hardened by time.
A trust once freely given
Now hardened by betrayal.
Tears cried enough for a lifetime,
With no more to cry.
So much easier not to feel,
Than to feel the hurt.
So much easier not to care,
Than to care too much.
So I built up walls
So no one could enter.
Tough exterior to hide
My weakness inside.
But you found it anyway.
Tore down my walls
As I simply watched them
Crumble to the ground.
I told you that it frightened me
To feel again.
Then you took my hand
And promised it would be alright.
And crazy as it seems,
I believed you and followed where you led.
I stood by as you gently opened up the door to my heart
And I watched as you grasped it in your hand,
Gently molding it between your fingers
Until it was soft again.
I trembled as I felt the rush
Of feelings long dead.
Then I opened my soul
And found contentment.
Opened my eyes
And truly saw the world.
And opened my heart
And there I saw you.

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