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Hush now, for baby sleeps
forever in the angels keep.
Golden hair and cherubs face,
how can another take your place.
Nine months I waited for your birth;
felt your movements in my growing girth;
listened to your beating heart;
then felt my world fall all apart.
Crashing down around me fell,
the dreams I had and planned so well.
First tooth, first word, your first snow,
the joys of these I’ll never know.
A footprint card, a lock of hair
are all that proves that you were here.
An empty crib stands in wait;
who is this “God” to judge your fate ?
Empty arms no life to hold;
an empty heart that grief enfolds.
Sorrow deeper than ever known
where life inside me once has grown.
Who’s to know ? Who’s to say?
Who must go and who will stay?
Which life must fade and which should grow ?
Who’s to say ? Who’s to know ?

Hush now, for baby sleeps,
forever in the angels keep.