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Jen's House of Style

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Thank you for coming to Jen's House of Style!! This is currently in the works, but feel free to stop by occasionally and check on whats new!

I have links to
some vacation pictures
my resume
some more random pictures

Soon, I'll have more information about my boyfriend, Jon.
We've been together for over two years and,
I would like to dedicate this site to him!!

Penn State Proud!!

A Little Bit About Me!!

I graduated from United High School in 1997.
This summer I did an internship at Adelphoi Village as a work study intern in their MIS department.
I am currently taking 14 credits of courses and doing research in the field of Developmental Psychology on weekends at Penn State University Park campus CSC Center. I'm now a senior at Penn State, studying Computer Science with a minor in Psychology. After graduating college in May 2001, I hope to begin my career as a human factors engineer (aka ergonomist).

I enjoy working with computers, human factors psychology, man-machine interface, I/O Psychology, and mathematics. I hope to someday make computers and other machines 100% user friendly.

In my spare time, I enjoy being with my wonderful boyfriend Jon, doing research, talking on the phone, spending time with friends, reading, listening to music, bowling, watching hockey, driving around and swimming.

When my page is done, I plan on making this a place where you can find out a little about me go to all my favorite spots, go to my resume and also some of my favorite pictures.

If you have any comments or questions about my page or suggestions, feel free to enter it into my guestbook at the bottom of the page. In the future, look for new sites and pixs to go with what is already here. Thanks for stopping in to see me!!!

" Links to Remember "

Visit The Dawson's Creek 
    Web Site

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Last updated: August 6th, 2000.

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